CHAPTER 14 “UNCLE ALBERT? WHAT are you doing here?” That was his pristine old Jaguar parked at the kerb. He’d driven all the way from Wales today? “Voicemail broken, is it?” “I’ve been busy,” Rhys mumbled. “I kept meaning to ring you back.” “I thought youngsters were glued to their phones nowadays? In more than a month, you couldn’t manage five minutes for a call? Or even one of those text messages? Good thing I had to travel to London for the National Orchid Festival—it meant I could stop by to ask you what in heaven’s name happened to my coco du ciel tree.” Uh-oh. “All you had to do was water the plants, feed them, and check the lights were working as they should be. And yet somehow, you managed to knock my most cherished possession to the ground and break it. What on earth were y