CHAPTER 6 BACK AT THE house, Rhys stood in front of the pantry, surveying the contents with Coco beside him. Was Uncle Albert a prepper in his spare time? There were so many cans. And packets, and jars, and boxes… “What can you make out of chickpeas, olive oil, and dried pasta?” Coco asked. “I’d say my mind’s a blank, but we both already know that.” “There’s an app with the answer to that very question. You know what an app is?” Rhys didn’t want to make any assumptions. “Like a program for your phone?” “Exactly.” “And it tells you how to cook spaghetti?” “Yup. It’s called Pan Friday.” Rhys should know—he’d written it. Pan Friday hadn’t made him rich, but by living frugally, he’d managed to graduate debt-free and also save up enough cash to finish the trip he’d started five years ag