Chapter Three - Miss Ashley Duval

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Chapter Three - Miss Ashley Duval I wonder if my wetness will begin to stream down my thighs. Leading about Corky, formerly known as Charles, brings a level of arousal I cannot describe and there forms within my love pouch a river the exposure of which would normally prove to be disconcerting. Still, it is my island, and whereas my guests are quite diverse in backgrounds, education and pursuits, all have delightfully libertine viewpoints. Let the moisture flow, I conclude. The stairs leading to the house are few and Corky obediently heels, nicely showing his privates to my guests who follow. The scene of thorough Dominance sets the stage for the ensuing week, as intended. And my voyeuristic companion, Reginald, seems particularly impressed with my handling of the leash. With a couple of hours until dinner, perhaps a matinee is in order. One of the island maids, Lotta, greets us at the door with a radiant smile. My many millions assure that all on the island are well cared for with the dozens of families wanting for nothing. Even a free college education awaits the children. Thus the loyalty is both absolute and genuine, leaving me free to engage in the many idiosyncratic desires, which intrigue a person of my ilk. It is a privilege bestowed upon the fabulously wealthy. So Corky, despite his bound nakedness, has the run of the island, so to speak, as long as he obeys Big Sam. And all my people, the island’s inhabitants, have been instructed to treat Corky as a canine... my pet. They have fallen into the role marvelously, providing care and wonderfully augmenting the mental torment, which I have long planned for my conniving husband, my ward, my pet, my oral servant. I’ve aggregated many hours in the Citation X since committing Corky to a dog’s life, visiting my island paradise often. Where else could I walk a naked man on a leash? And where else could Corky be left to frolic in the sunshine and contemplate his sins, his mendacious scheming, his deceitful plot to extract funds from the bottomless Duval coffers? And in terminating his ability to speak, as Dr. Stella suggested, Corky must confront daily the frustration of never being able to confess, never able to seek my forgiveness, never being able to beg for mercy, never even able to request an explanation for his treatment or how it is I decided to place him in such dire bondage. No, Corky will just serve. And he will do so without fully understanding why, just as would a dog. Dr. Stella suggests that may be the pinnacle of all his torment... the intelligent male having his intellect so confined, so limited, so nicely stifled by silence. “Let’s all freshen up for dinner. Lotta will show you to your rooms,” I announce. “Come, Corky.” I lead. Corky follows and I coquettishly beckon my companion, the well hung Reginald, to follow us up the stairs. I may seem notably succinct with my guests but we all talked in the plane over Mimosas and strawberries, so further conversation would seem iterative. And most are tired. Except me. I need satiation. Thus I pull with vigor and thrill as I feel Corky spasm in reaction to the pain of my governing hand jostling his spiked collar. Control is so delicious. We enter my bedroom where well placed latticed windows catch the tropical breezes, filling the room with the fragrance of the floral bouquet of my lush gardens. Corky obediently stays behind and to my right as trained. I turn and open my arms to my trailing cheri, Reginald. As I well know, the scene of me manifesting such absolute power... Masterful woman... subjugated human dog... has Reggie panting. As we embrace I can feel the bulge of his erection tenting his pants. We kiss and I pat my right leg with the obedience stick. Corky lunges forth to instantly begin licking my boots, objects of my supremacy that he has covetously eyed since I stepped from the plane. “You’re amazing, Ashley,” Reggie burbles with the glee of an aroused voyeur. “Take off your clothes, Reggie. Corky’s well trained and won’t bite.” We both laugh at my jovial prompt as Reggie disrobes with alacrity. The male gender is always so eager to shun garments. With Reggie a woman is best served in not detaining the flailing hands as belt is unbuckled, zipper is lowered and buttons are pried open, for in Reggie’s case the results of many hours of strenuous exercise are most pleasing to observe. Yes, Reggie’s body is cut from stone and his manhood a gift. And to further endear my handsome Reggie to the female gender, he is polyamorous. Stripped naked I find as expected, that my imposing governance has aroused him and I smile at the sight of his semi erect ten inches. “I’ll want a quick ride before dinner,” I announce, knowing that Reggie responds to authority. And with that I snap my fingers and point to Reggie’s slowly rising manhood. A very chagrined Corky knows what I demand. “Bring him up fully for me Corky. Nice and hard. But don’t bring him off.” Oh, the sense of complete power as a reluctant but completely subjugated Corky shifts on knees and elbows to approach Reggie. As stated, Corky is trained in fellatio. The psychologists explained that it was the most demeaning act one could demand from the normally homophobic male. And I can barely stifle a giggle as Corky suppresses his gag reflex and the p***s of my huge cheri slowly disappears into my canine husband’s gullet. To add to my thrill, I slide my hand down the leash to where it connects to his collar. There I push a little on the back of Corky’s head and listen for the telltale gagging sound as the bulbous tip of Reggie’s stiff p***s greets the depths of Corky’s throat. Reggie sighs with the extreme sensation of Corky’s warm and wet tightness. Ah yes, the control.... bringing pleasure to one man... enuring maximum humiliation to another.... such heady stuff. I smile and reach to pinch Reggie’s cheek as he struggles to maintain his composure. “I think you’re going to enjoy your stay here,” I teasingly suggest. “And it will soon be time for my ride.” As Corky knows and Reggie will learn, I like being on top.
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