Character Summary

386 Words
Camillo: a lord of Sicilia who wisely disobeys his king's--Leontes'--order to poison and kill Polixenes Archidamus: a lord of Bohemia who is so impressed with Sicilia's hospitality that he doubts his own nation--Bohemia--could extend a comparable hospitality to Sicilia Leontes: king of Sicilia who suspects his wife and Polixines of sharing an unlawful intimacy on account of which he commissions the death of Polixenes Polixenes: king of Bohemia Hermoine: queen of Sicilia who reputedly dies of grief only to be resurrected Mamillius: prince of Bohemia and the son to Hermoine and Leontes Ladies: Hermione's attendants Antigonus: Paulina's husband and a lord of Sicilia who dies while performing Hermione's commission which was made known to him in a dream Lords 1 & 2: noblemen in Leontes' attendance; #1 believes as Antigonus that the Hermione is innocent of Leontes' accusations Paulina: wife to Antigonus who takes it upon herself to confront the King and accuse him of madness for imprisoning Hermione Emilia: one of Hermione's lady-in-waiting Jailer: Hermione's jailer Servants: menials attending on Leontes who are disparaged by Paulina for being obsequious to the point of harming rather than serving the King Cleomines: a lord of Sicilia who goes to the oracle at Delphos Dion: a lord of Sicilia who goes to the oracle at Delphos Officer: the man in charge of directing the proceedings in Hermione's trial Mariner: sailor who brings Antigonus and the discarded baby to the shores of Bohemia Shephard: an old man who finds Perdita, the discarded baby, in the wilds of Bohemia Clown: the shephard's son who witnesses Antigonus being mauled by a bear Time: father time speaking as the play's chorus Autolycus: a rogue and a thief who used to serve Prince Florizel and who cheats and steals from the Clown to make up for his lost revenue Perdita: Hermione's and Leontes' lost daughter who grows up among shepherds and sheperdesses in the wilds of Bohemia Florizel: a.k.a. Doricles, King Polixenes' son who is in love with Perdita, the shepherd girl, and will not give her up for the world Mopsa: a shepherdess and the Clown's sweetheart Dorcas: a shepherdess and Mopsa'a good friend Gentlemen: gentlemen of Sicilia who relate the reconcilement between Polixenes, Leontes, the old Shephard, the Clown, Florizel and Perdita as Perdita's true identity is made known to all
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