Here's The Ticket

1880 Words
I was right there was nothing wrong with the woods. Rose I had just been talking nonsense, maybe Brandon had paid her some money too lie to me, make me feel nervous and scared. It wouldn't be the first time that they had done that. I had one place that I loved, it wasn't special there was no large magical oak tree or secret lake but it was just a small little clearing with a flat stone that laid in the center of it. On that stone I spent hours of my life, sometimes sleeping sometimes just reading and watching the birds fly by. This has also been my lunch spot for the longest time. The school allows the students to either pack the own lunch, buy it's from the cafeteria or go out to eat. With an hour for lunch I was always the first one in the cafeteria line and the first one out of the school. In the past I used to eat with either and Adam and our little spot the farthest corner of the cafeteria laughing and talking about some Star wars references, debating weather Dumbledore was actually evil or not. Now I only come here to eat and be alone. Seems like everything I do is by myself. It felt like somebody was watching me, I kept on looking behind me and in front trying to see if I can spot them, but I couldn't see anything just the thick green foliage and the most growing around. I listen to some music and then finally I decided to go back. By now lunch was halfway over and I wouldn't have time to grab anything to eat, but that's okay I could always eat supper at the orphanage at least this time I wasn't getting punished. I'd like it more if I didn't get one meal a day maybe then people would stop telling me that I'm so thin. I have PE after lunch the worst subject I still don't understand why they would Make such a thing a requirement more so after lunch. I wasn't physically fit as a matter of fact I was always the first on the out of the field, I would always pray in my ankle or heather and Brandon would decide to pay a joke on me. Once Heather stole my clothes while I was in the shower, I had to go towards the administrative block in a towel, since then I never bathed in the school, that in the scar. I still remember how my parents died, it was the reason why I had that disgusting scar across my belly. My left shoulder all the way down to my belly button, it was like somebody wanted to dissect me. Heather took a picture of it once it was all over the billboards. The principal had forced her to take it All done but the damage had been done. "Were you with Adam?" Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me, I turned around only to notice it was Eva, She had a panic to face. I used to be jealous of her once upon a time, I used to be jealous of her olive brown skin, her jet black hair that were all curly and hanging down to her waist looking also in a sentence sweet. She was always bubbling and alive, everybody always wanted to how we became friends, sometimes I did too but that was long ago. Another thing about Eva is she is the most insecure person I had ever met. At first it had been endearing but then I noticed it was a problem, her possessiveness and the way she was always paranoid. I always thought our friendship was above that, above her jealousy and mood swings and all the things that drove her insane, but it turned out Adam was our kryptonite. "No Eva I have not seen Adam," I say matter of factly trying to avoid this conversation and walk away but Eva had other planes in mind and stood in front of me. "Cut the crap Aria you're not fooling anybody, were you with my boyfriend? You're always around him, always trying to get his attention. He always make him want to like it to you I see it why can't you just let me be happy?" That stung a bit more than I had expected, why can't I let her be happy? Why can't I be happy That's the question I want to know. Why does everything happen to me? Why did you leave me? You were my friend and the boy came in between us. I have told you a lot of times that I do not like him, for f**k sake Adam makes me want to vomit. But I've already told her these things countless of times but she never cares so why should I repeat them again, why should I answer her? I did see Adam, he was with Victoria by the parking lot when I came in, Adam was a serial cheater but Eva was obsessed with him. After cutting off tires with me she began her ascension to high school popularity, having Adam by her side really helped her after all Brandon was the captain of the football team while Adam was the captain of the basketball team. Each insanely equal to each other. Heather and Eva in a vicious and sort of friendly way were vying for the queen bee position. "Eva I don't want your boyfriend, I don't want Adam, I have told you thousands of times that him and I will never be anything, why can't you understand that?" "Egh You're such a liar Aria! Why do you constantly keep on lying? You think I don't know that you were texting Adam? He told me you were the one who was after him." "He's lying to you! Just like how he lied about Brenda and Suzanne, Carolina and the other girls that he had been cheating with!" " You're the one who doesn't want us to be together, Adam told me that you were just lying about Susanna and Caroline, you made it up because you liked him. You are mad because I have him well guess what Aria you're not going to have him. So back off and stay away from my boyfriend or you will be sorry," Eva and she pushed me towards the lockers making me bump my hand again I wouldn't stand the pain. A little spat had brought a little crowd, it look like everybody was rooting for Eva judging by the glares I was receiving, at least they weren't getting involved like the last time. But the semester had just started there will be enough time for them to cause me more chaos, hopefully it won't be too bad. When I was younger I wanted to have her pet, that was all I wanted for my Christmas present. I had stopped begging and praying for my parents to come back when I finally understood what death really meant. Death meant that they would never come back, so I wanted something for myself. Something that can love me and I will love it back. The sister is had a strict no pet policy but I was too strong willed and picked up a little kitten. I named the Charlie, I love to Charlie. I'd give him all my food sometimes and hit him under my bed. But the sisters soon found out and Charlie was taken away from me, that was the first time I truly felt like I had lost everything. I felt the same feeling when Eva and Adam left me. I don't think I ever trust anybody ever again. I think I was meant to be alone, even in the orphanage where everybody had the same background I still felt alone. By the time school came to an end I had been pushed, shoved and called so many names that it made me exhausted. Julian was mad at me because I got the highest score in Mr Wallace's physics test. He kept on calling me nerd and throwing dark glances at me. Julian was held bent on getting into Harvard he was just a few credit shy of that actually, he was also our now validictorian yet he still saw me as a threat. "You're late, You are supposed to help Matilda with her homework, you did this on purpose didn't you? Just because Matilda is a bit retarded does not give you the right to leave her like that, her teacher said that she needs to pass this year or she'll be held back again. But no Aria too selfish. Can't you just help me the others," sister Erica began not long after I opened the door. I wanted to take the forest path but it had started raining in the evening and I knew that it would be too muddy, I only had one pair of shoes and couldn't afford them getting dirty. I could have a part-time job if I wanted to, but sister Erica would never allow me to. I had to always show up early and help the younger children with their homework or giving them a bath. It was almost like I was doing sister Erica's work for her, she was lazy, the woman was fat and short and wrinkly but she was violent audacious She was also scary and she held my life and her hand, she never let me forget. "I'm sorry I was just-" "No, I don't want to hear it just go upstairs and help Matilda she's waiting for you, " I noted and walked up this stairs, Matilda wasn't retarded She just didn't care for school, as a result I was always the one who did her homework and she never did some learning. It was always the same, they would force me to tutor Matilda but Matilda wouldn't listen to a word I saved and forced me to do her homework, then she would fail and all the blame would go to me. But there was only so much I could do with an unwilling person. I knocked on one of the doors and opened it slightly. Matilda was the same age as me yet she was too years behind me, she was laying on her bed with her phone texting violently. "Sister Erica wants me to you,"I say knowing full well what she would say, that her books were just over at the corner and I can just do her homework for her and if I knew what's good for me I wouldn't tell her or else I'll be in trouble. "Listen you freak I am not doing any homework, the books are over there make sure I get a B nothing more or nothing less and don't make me sound all smart and fancy like you did before I have had enough problems with the teachers. If you try to tell the sanctimonious b***h then..." "I know, I know. You'll make my life a living hell. Honestly You need to upgrade your threads, they're not working on me. I'll do the damn homework." This was going to be a long night.
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