Chapter 1

1412 Words
Life is pretty much hectic at the Regal City palace of the wolf prince, Alpha Williams, the handsome widower king-to-be of the werewolves. Since his Luna died, he hasn't been himself. I think two things disturbed him, the death of his Luna whom he loved so much and the fact that he was just given six years to find a virgin mate for himself as our law dictated least he vacated his throne for someone else to come take over. Williams is not ready to leave his throne for anyone but a virgin girl is really hard to find in contemporary times. Royalties usually choose for themselves daughters of high-ranking knights, Betas and Alphas. I think that the lucky girl who would get chosen by Prince Williams during this search period would surely belong to this class. The challenge here is that such are hardly virgins up to eighteen, as they dive into the social life of youths, giving away their innocence to their boyfriends. This must be the greatest worry the prince would have currently, it didn't only stop here, it could be a great disaster to choose a mate out of pressure. Mates are bound to each other for life and one must be very careful when it comes to this, discovering your fated mate is much better as you have nothing to worry about. Well, I just find it interesting to think about the prince's affair, none of this would really be of concern to me if not that I ran away from my pack, the Whitebridge Pack just to escape my violent boyfriend who is the Alpha. This made me interested when the prince announced that he needed three hundred maids to serve in his palace, after the former who had served for many years retired. As lucky as I was, I got the job. Leaving my pack and my poor parents was the last thing on my mind but I had to do it, lest my life would be in danger. It came to a point that Alpha Max, my boyfriend, began acting strangely cruel, possessive and domineering towards me. These all began when I discovered he wasn't really interested in me but in my body. I informed him I was no longer interested in the relationship, I needed someone who truly loved me, not someone who lusted for my body. There's a day he tricked me into his private room and attempted to force himself on me, I managed to escape. Regal City Pack was now my new pack, a pack I have accepted to be mine. No one can come in here and harm me, I have taken asylum here. "At least I can get money to take care of myself, send some to my parents and save some for my education when my time is up here," I say out loud not caring who would hear me, no one would hear me now, I'm all alone in this garden. I sigh, exhaling heavily. I had my mind busy with thoughts while trimming the flowers and small trees in the large garden of the palace. Despite the stress as a royal maid, I'm really glad that I have gone very far away from cruel Max, I never hope to see him again. The breeze blows over my head, its chilling nature refreshes my memory. It indirectly tells me that there is a bright end to every bleak situation, though I'm a slave today, my future is obviously bright. This is one thing I remind myself everyday and each time thoughts of pessimism sets in. Being lost in thought, I forgot all about myself and my surroundings. Immediately, I perceive the scent of olives, it comes brushing strongly on my nose. I turn around only to receive the greatest shock of my life. The Alpha Prince is standing a stone throw from me, with his gaze fixed on me. My heart begins to beat faster and faster, my hormones running riot at my expense. I couldn't imagine this moment, never in my wildest dream. I have never come close to Prince Williams nor has he noticed me before now, the only time I was opportuned to set eyes on him was during our induction into the palace as maids. He stood very far away at the podium of the Royal Conference Hall but from what I could figure out, he was really handsome. Today, I see that he is more than handsome. His firm charming blue eyes can sweep any girl off her feet, his muscular physique, height and entire grace makes me feel like staring right into him for eternity but this' what I can't do. As a maid, I'm expected to lower my head whenever in front of him or his brothers. Upon greeting him, I'm expected to kneel, only stand up when he asks me to. This was something I've never experienced but I felt I was going to experience that right now. "Good afternoon, Your Majesty." I fell on my knees, bowing my head as a sign of respect. "Such a nice job!" He said not paying attention to me nor my greetings. Hearing no answer, I continued kneeling with my face bowed. There's nothing else to do aside from this until he commanded me to do otherwise. "Continue your work," I finally heard him say after a few minutes. "Thank you, Your Majesty." I stood up with a bow and continued my work without looking at him. Looking a man in the eyes, especially an attractive one, was not my thing. I'd get easily shy and nervous. To avoid drama, I often looked elsewhere whenever I'm with one or lowered my head as I did before him a few seconds ago. This was my first time setting eyes on him and the first time he set eyes on me as well. I continued my work but my mind told me his eyes were scanning me. I couldn't concentrate steadily in my mind. My heart was not beating steadily, I seemed to have a heart attack. "What's your name?" I heard his cool and deep voice say. It portrayed interest but I was not ready for anything deeper than being a maid. I just wish he would leave me alone so I can heave a sigh of relief and continue my work in peace. Since it was the king asking me a question, I couldn't snob as I would do to every other ordinary man. "My name is Ursula," I answered. "So you're the gardener." "Yes, Your Majesty." I had paused my work once he started questioning me as a sign of respect. "Continue your work, that doesn't stop you from answering me." I heard him say. It was not easy to comply with what you knew was not accepted by the law, I wondered why I was being shown this great favor. Since I came to work here, I had been trying to avoid anyone that could develop interest in me and talk less of the prince. "Are you from the Regal City Pack, or some other pack?" The Regal City Pack was the pack of lycans, werewolves with royal characteristics. They are smarter, faster and more sensitive than normal werewolves, they were the ones assuming the throne while we were subjects. "No, Your Majesty." Williams was surprised when I said this. Perhaps he thought I was from his pack. But something told me it was more than that. "Where are you from?" "I'm from Whitebridge Pack." "But you're too beautiful." "Beautiful? What's he trying to say?" I thought to myself amazed. I was totally puzzled by this question. Williams saw I was lost in thought, so he decided to clarify my doubt. "I said so because your beauty is mostly found in my pack, among our lycanthrope princesses and she-wolves." "Thank you, Your Majesty." That's the only thing I could say. "Anyway, come to my chambers by 3 PM today. I want to see you. Tell the royal lady I asked you to do that and my guards if they try to obstruct you in any way." These words struck me in my bones and marrows. What I'd been trying best all my life to stay away from was actually coming at full force. I attempted to ask him what I was going to do at his chambers but I couldn't, he left. Immediately he said so, he hurried off.
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