Chapter 7

1075 Words
Three days passed without hearing a word from the prince that I'm forced to let go of him, perhaps he's found another he would love to spend his forever with. When I told Kate this, she felt so annoyed that I would care to let go of a prince like him. I feel bad to let this happen but what else would I do when it's not working the way I thought. Persisting might land me in trouble, I don't just want to take liberties in what I shouldn't. Max could have informed him that I was his girlfriend or may have told him to have me returned to my pack, either I wasn't sure. After his encounter with Max, he didn't tell me anything aside asking me to return to my hostel. So many things disturb my mind recently including the threat Riana gave me, it was the few days time but nothing had happened, still counting though. She isn't someone that says something and fails to do it, or someone that might forgive and let go. She treats every word from her mouth as life itself, I'm sure one of these days I'll get to witness what she meant. Work continued as usual, I spent lunch and our mini-breaks with Kate, she also did similar work like mine but her's was less stressful. She was assigned the smaller garden at the entrance of the palace, I wished I worked there too. "Hey Riana, something is gonna happen!" One of the maids rush towards me, my heart skipped. "What again, I hope this time it wouldn't concern me?" I questioned myself. I'm a type of person that just can't treat rumours of something tragic happening easily, this' the palace and the well-being of omega workers aren't considered most of the times especially by those in charge of the personnel. Like Riana, most of our heads saw themselves as gods, they believe they can do anything without anyone questioning them. The royalty they feel care less of any issue that concerned omegas working for them, it wasn't just their concern and this gave our superiors to do what they feel like. "What's gonna happen?" I scoffed. "Just tired of all these goings-on in the palace. Hope it's not about any of…." "It's about you," she snapped and I almost dropped to the ground. "What again, what have I done?" I protested. She was about to say something when she sighted someone and scurried off. I looked into the direction and it was Riana walking with the Senior Manager of the Royal Personnel Department. The palace is divided into several departments but the two most significant are the Royal Welfare Department and the Personnel Department. While the former looked into the affairs of members of the royal household, the latter was in charge of we the workers, not like we are really cared much about, just that the system believes an organised workers' arrangement would create more standard to the lives of the royalties. The manager was tall, huge and walked with dignity, he's someone that had the aura of dominance and majesty around him. I wondered why he wasn't borned into a royal family. Riana seemed to be saying some secret things to him, this' surely would fall on my head. "Ursula, come meet me in my office now. Just follow me now!" He said with all amount of seriousness. Riana walked off smirking at me, she gave me a very stern look. They must have decided my fate before now, what it is going to be is now left to be known by me. I dropped my working tools and followed. His office was located at the other part of the palace about sixty metres away, administrative buildings are situated a bit far away from the main castle which housed the prince and his family, with the maids and servants' chambers. At his office, I bowed my head with my hands lurked in front of me. He searched through his desk drawer for some files, finally he found it. "Take this, go through it and sign!" His tone was indifferent with some level of mockery. As I took the paper from him, my adrenaline arouse great nervousness in me. I want to see what is written in this paper but I have to behave well. "Ok sir!" I managed to say. "You are transferred indefinitely to the Royal Secretariat, Ring Road. Your services are henceforth required over there, you cease to be the royal garden from today…" The date and day was included followed by his signature. I gasped, 'what is this?' It was left with a little consciousness and I would have said this out. He threw a pen at me and I picked it up abruptly. I stared at him in shock, since I came here I haven't heard of any maid or servant being transferred. There was nothing like transfer here. It puzzles me that I should be the first and perhaps the only one that would experience. Fear overshadows me, there have been rampant cases of molestation, physical and s****l by the shifter armed guards over there, there was little freedom and you will work your eyes out, for manual workers. The only persons that enjoyed working at the Royal Secretariat are the professionals who work in offices. I exhale heavily, still can't believe this' happening to me. Is this' what Riana threatened? It's worst than I ever thought of. Prince Williams appeared in my mind, I'd be losing him totally. I'm sure he doesn't even knows this. As long as they, the royalties have all they need and live in paradise, they don't care what is happening outside their cycle. Finally I signed in the space assigned for me. "Make sure, you don't spend an hour in this palace?" He thundered, I got dismayed. Even if I should be sent away without any reason, why am I not given the chance to at least greet my friends goodbye, especially Kate and Shane. I have to leave without saying goodbye to my two friends especially Kate. She's been the best friend ever but now I have to part without saying something. I stood in his office still pondering when his loud and domineering voice thundered, "What are you still doing in my office, pack your things and leave this palace!" I ran off before his wrath will fall on me.
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