Twenty one.

1541 Words

I feel it the moment I step foot across the border. It’s like the snap of a rubber band, and the bond to my pack was officially gone forever. I dropped to my knees and vomited everything I had, which wasn’t too much but still, it did not help as I was already feeling weaker than usual. I had never considered life outside the reserve. I knew from a very early age that I would spend my life as a part of this pack or that of my mates when the time came. I knew very little about what happened to those who disassociated, only that they went mad most, if not all, of the time. I never understood why it drove them all crazy. It was a choice they had made. Now I know why. The moment the bond broke to my pack, so did my links to everyone and everything I had ever known. For the first time in my lif

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