Twenty six. -1

1189 Words

I spent the night in fitful, restless sleep. I dreamed over and over again of that cold hard heartless look in Declan’s eyes as he tossed me down the staircase. If I wasn’t reliving that awful moment, it was my bloodied father, unconscious, hanging from my window, and my poor mother desperate to save him. It scared me to see Luna Cassidy hold him. In my heart, I knew her love for my mother outweighed the current dislike she had for me, but in my head, I worried she would toss his body just that I would turn back and Declan could have his way with me. I shudder to think how things could have gone if I didn’t make it out in time. Would he have killed me? Forced his mark? Thank goddess, I didn’t have that mans mark. I would have been trapped forever. I have never been so afraid of anyone in m

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