Twenty five. -1

1478 Words

“Hey, honey, would you like something to eat?” Amy asks as I enter the kitchen. I was starving, but there was something I needed to do first. “Please? But can I call my mom first?” My mom would worry until I called her, and I needed to know about my dad. Should I tell Amy? He was her brother after all. I'm sure she would want to know. Then again, what did I actually tell her? That I think dads been seriously injured, but I’m not sure? I'll wait until I have spoken to mom. Why worry her until I actually know something. Who knows, he may even be fine. I pray he was fine. “Sure, baby, you know where the phone is. I’ll fix you up something to eat while you call your parents. Does that sound good?” She cupped my face and kissed my forehead. My aunt was amazing. “That sounds perfect Than

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