Thirty seven. -1

1366 Words

Present day kyles office. “‘Just get on with it, Declan”, I finally snap. “First of all, I would like to apologise again for acting like an ass just a moment ago. I saw you with him, and my jealousy it just. It got the better of me, Faith.” Jealousy, why would he be jealous? He made it more than clear he doesn’t have any feelings for me, that I disgusted him, so why should I believe that he’s suddenly so jealous. Stand your ground! Sapphire huffs. But she doesn’t need to worry. I plan on doing exactly that. We made a promise to each other after all. “And secondly,” I ask, completely ignoring his apology. I see no reason to comment on it when I don’t accept it. “Can we sit down?” He gestures to the two chairs on our side of the desk. I feel like if I agree to sit, that means I’m

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