Forty five.

1479 Words

“I am not going to reject you” I shrug out of his arms. “But it's a lot to take in right now.” I shake my head repetitively like I’m trying to knock some of the horrible thoughts loose as I stumble to my feet. I need to run. I need space, I need...... to be honest, I don't know what I need right now, but some things got to give. I can't sit here and feel all of this. I have to move. “Be patient with me,” I beg him as I turn on my heel and run. I make it only a few steps from him before I shift into Sapphire. Take me home. Take me to Amy’s, and I ask her before I slink into the abyss of our mind and allow her to take control. I hope that Kyle will be okay. I didn't want to hurt him, and that's why I had to leave. I was scared of saying the wrong thing, of letting my current emotions spe

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