Thirty one..

2041 Words

Sunday morning arrived much too soon. I was so incredibly nervous for my first date that I just spent at least five cringey minutes dancing in the bathroom mirror whilst chanting. “I have a date with my MaTe, MYYYYYY MMMaaaaaTTTTeeee AAAA DAAAtttEee” why was I singing it weirdly? It's just what I did when I was feeling anxious or excited, and I was both. You silly human. Sapphire has been making fun of me all morning, but I don't care. If it eased some of the anxiety, then I was going to dance it out. Don't you try and act like you aren't feeling anxious too. And if you say that you aren't, then your lying because I can feel it. She didn’t say anything but chose to remain quiet for the time being. I have been having a lot of mixed feelings about today's Date. Kyle and I have only

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