
Isn’t Rejection What You Wanted?

another world
friends with benefits

Derek is the man of my dreams, my best friend, and the love of my life, and our wedding was supposed to be special, fun, and full of love.But...

" I know what you did. Alison told me," he snorted, pulling out his phone and showing me a picture of me in bed with another man, "was it for money?"

The funny thing is, he knows what my stepsister Alison did to me. With a photoshopped picture he believed that I betrayed him and I was in it for his money.

Money?Huh.He doesn't know I own my own company. I own a whole business empire.

A loud noise comes from afar, the roaring of engines and screeching tires comes from behind.

"What the hell?"Derek asked with surprise.Alison gasps, grabbing onto Derek’s arm out of fear.

I stare at my ex-fiancé and my stepsister. They probably spent a lot of time together. What he did ruined what I thought was a perfect life.

A strong gust of wind blew my hair in all directions as I looked up and stared at the three black BMW M3s, watching the helicopter descend behind the cars and grinning at him, "MY RIDE."

Three men get out of the car as the helicopter touches the ground, one out of each car, and I watch as the dark haired man approaches me, holding out his hand, "Come, Cami."

I'm leaving with someone I know will never betray me.Now it will be up to Derek to experience what it's like to be out of control.

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I do
CAMILLA’S POV — Sunland has always been my home, it has always been my safe haven, and now I found a new home, a new love and a new life, with the one and only Derek Hues. Derek Hues is the man on my dreams, my very best friend and the love of my life. He gets me, and I get him and we've been in sync since we started dating. He makes me the happiest girl in the world, and I am forever grateful to be his wife, or so I thought. "Can we leave, Camilla?" Derek seethes, anger flashes through his eyes, a dark aura surrounding him. I stare up at him, surrounded by my family and a few friends. "After this drink," I reach out to touch his arm, and he pulls back, his body stiff. "Derek?" I frown at him. "What happened?" I ask concerned, and he steps towards me, his head leaning towards me, "I want to f*****g go, now!" He snaps, yelling so loud that the entire reception party becomes quiet and stares at us. I glance to the side, noticing all the eyes on us and I force a smile, "Of course," I beam, and I reach to take my new husband's hand when he just turns and strides off. I awkwardly glance back, and stare at the crowd, "Have a great night everybody!" I beam as I try my best not to freak out. Derek has never been like this before...something must have happened. Our wedding day was supposed to be special, fun and full of love, but I sit silently in the car, afraid to speak and I glance over at Derek as we take a turn into a driveway. "We're here," Derek sighs, his voice filled with distaste and boredom. "For the night, or...", "No, for our honeymoon," He deadpans and I let out a snort, "We live an hour away.", "Are you being ungrateful?" he snaps, and my entire body tenses up. What is going on with him? A uneasy ache forms in my chest and I smile nervously, "What is wrong with you?" I sigh. Derek unclips his seatbelt, rolling his gorgeous emerald eyes and he throws the door open, getting out. He rests his hand on the roof of the car, leaning down, "Grab your bag and come inside." he deadpans before straightening himself and slamming the door shut. What the hell just f*****g happened here? Did I do something to piss him off? I stare down at my short, white sparkling dress. I changed into it at our reception, where we didn't stay very long, which was strange too. I thought we were leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow, but maybe he wanted to surpise me, but the only real surprise is the way he's acting. Something is off, very off. I slide out of his car, grabbing my bag from the trunk he left open and I follow him inside. There are two bedrooms, a pool outside and it's a very open plan house. I gulp, "Where is our room?" I ask when he comes out of one of them without a suitcase, and he glares at me, lifting his hand and he points in the opposite direction. "Your room is over there." What? "We have separate rooms?" I raise my eyebrows and he inches closer, his head tilting, "Please stop acting like you f*****g care, I know what you did. Alison told me, actually..." he snorts, "She showed me." he deadpans with a murderous look in his eyes. Alison? "My step sister Alison?" I snap, "How can you believe anything she tells you? You know what she has done to me!" I snap. My dearest step sister, Alison, is the most devious person I know. My father died when I was young, and when my mother brought her boyfriend and his daughter into my life, it all went down hill for me, but I rolled with it, I managed to escape every obstacle that was thrown at me by Alison, but whatever she did now doesn't look like it can be undone. "She showed me! How could you cheat on me? How could you betray me like that?" he snaps, and this is the first I have heard of this. "I didn't cheat on you." I grit out, "Was it for the money?" he yells and I refrain from scoffing at his accusation. He doesn't have to know that I have more money than he will ever have. "No. I did not cheat on you," I repeat. I need him to believe me, and not her. Everyone always believes her. "You didn't?" his brows furrow together as his head slants to the side, "No." I shake my head as I try to be calm about all of this, but my dearest step sister will pay for whatever the hell she did. "Then what's this?" he pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of me and another man in bed. I fall silent, confused about how this picture was made, "This must be photoshopped." I shake my head in disbelief. I hate how real it looks. "But it isn't,", "And if it wasn't, how do you think she got that?", "It's clearly in your room!" he snaps, "That I lived in two years ago?" I snap. I have lived with Derek for two years before we got married. "And what about that night you spent at your mom's while I was out of town?" he throws accusations after accusations at me, blaming me without doing his research. "Then ask my mom!" I snap, "I was at their house the entire evening!", "That wouldn't stop you from sneaking someone in," he shrugs, "Alison was right, it is all for the money." he scoffs, tucking his phone away. "Alison doesn't know anything! And she wasn't even there when I was, because you of all people know that I will never see her again!", "Cut the crap!" he pushes me back, and I fall on my ass. "We are over!" he seethes, breaking my heart on the one day that should have been the best day of my life. "Luckily we haven't sent those papers in yet, so we aren't married." He smiles, looking genuinely happy and content with his decision. I slowly get up, "I want to go home." I grit out, demanding he take me. "You know what, you should go get your stuff." he scoffs, "You have two days before I go back and I want everything that's yours out of my house!" he snaps. I stand with tears in my eyes, my teeth grinding against each other as I try not to cry, "Can you take me?" I snap, "Call a f*****g uber, I am done doing anything for you!" he yells, inching closer with aggression and I stumble back, keeping space between us. I gulp and grab my phone out of my pocket while I drag my suitcase behind me out of the door, and there's only one person I can call to help me. I stand outside, my hand gripping the phone as I put the number into my phone, and with a shaky thumb, I hit the call button. The first ring makes me sweat, the second makes my eyes tear up, and I stare at the ground, praying that this call won't be missed. "Cami?" the deep voice sends a shiver running down my spine. I close my eyes, "I...I need a car, right now." I grit out, "Why?" the curiosity in his voice is what kills me the most. "Can I just borrow one? I will return it tomorrow when I get my own." I swallow my feelings, refusing to let the heartbreak win, because if I do, Alison is the one who wins- and she doesn't deserve that kind of satisfaction. "Jared, for once, mind your own business." I scold, "My car, my business," I hate that I can hear the smug look in his voice. He knows that I have no choice, yet he chooses to humiliate me. "I got married today, and dumped. I need a f*****g car, right now!" I yell. The silence forms tension, "Did you tell him?" Jared asks, his voice a mere whisper. "About?", "Your money?" he snorts, "No.", "Where is your marriage license? Has it been sent in?", "I don't know," I murmur, all of his questions makes my shoulders feel extremely heavy. "What do you know?" he sighs irritably. "Cami, just send me your pin location." He demands before ending the call, and I do as he said. Derek hasn't come out to check up on me once, and Alison has been calling. After a few minutes, I watch as a car drives into the driveway, parking beside Derek's, and I suddenly realize who it was when I spot her yellow blonde hair through the window. Alison. She hops out, holding her purse and beaming with joy, "Why are you here?" I strut towards her, and her smile suddenly falls and she slaps me through the face, hard enough to make my head turn. "Don't touch me you dirty w***e!" she screams like I'm going to kill her, and if I didn't mind going to jail- I probably would. Derek comes running out, stopping beside Alison, looking at her instead of me, "Are you okay?" he asks her. "Are you serious?" I scream out of anger, and Derek glances at me, "Haven't you left yet?" He sneers, his eyes are filled with disgust. He thought I left, so why was Alison here? Did he invite her? Just as he asks, a loud noise comes from afar, the roaring of engines and screeching tires comes from behind and I whip around, staring at three black BMW M3's. "What the hell?" Alison gasps, grabbing onto Derek’s arm out of fear. A thickness noise roars above us, a strong gust of wind blowing my hair in all directions and I look up, watching as the Helicopter lowers and lands behind the cars. Three men get out of the car as the helicopter touches the ground, one out of each car, and I watch as the dark haired man approaches me, holding out his hand, "Come, Cami," he demands, and Derek inches forward, "Camilla, who is this?" he sneers. Jealousy is laced in his tone. Derek doesn’t have any right to be jealous after he chose to believe her over me. I grin at him, "My ride," I deadpan and grab my suitcase, which Jared takes from me and he has his hand on my lower back as I walk towards the helicopter, and all I do is hold my dress down. Jared hands me the headset, and he grins at me while he puts his on. "I asked for a car," I remind him, and he rolls his eyes, "You asked for a lift, I delivered, didn't I?" "Can you just take me home," I sigh, turning my head in the other direction as I stare at my ex- fiancé, who's getting smaller the higher we get. Alison clings to his arm, trying to get his attention away from me as I leave with the one person who I know will never betray me. Jared. "Want to tell me what happened?" Jared asks, and I shake my head while looking out of the window. I don't even know what happened really, everything feels like a blur, like I could just wake up from this nightmare, but that's unlikely because this is real. I have no way to salvage my reputation if Derek gets a hold of this first, so I take out my phone and send my parents a message first, telling them I found out that Derek and Alison had an affair, and then I informed the rest of the family, and his, but what I didn't expect was his mother telling me that she didn't want me to find out like this, because now the nightmare just started, because he did cheat on me, and he probably knew that those photos were fake.

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