Chapter 9

1566 Words
His Majesty to the throne of Avetmore has issued a decree disbanding marrying off women without their consent, putting an end to a tradition that has been in place for centuries. Meryln’s eyes almost popped out of her skull in front of the television. Did he really do that? “God bless him, so young yet so wise” Nana was singing praises to her newly found favourite prince. She did not even hear Meryln leave for school. When Meryln arrived at the academy Lisa was waiting for her. “Meryln I’m so sorry for snapping at you yesterday, that was uncalled for.” “You were frustrated about not getting the contract and I was insensitive, I’m sorry. With the new decree, you don’t have you worry anymore.” “Lady Meryln, Lady Lisa” “Your Highness, Sir Diago, the two friends responded in unison bowing with respect.” “Was the narrow minded chauvinist pig’s problem solved to your satisfaction Lady Meryln?” Scot asked looking at her waggishly. Meryln’s face turned red, blushing. Why was he doing this to her? “Yes Your Highness, thank you. Please excuse us, we are late for our lecture” She said pulling Lisa away, avoiding being seen blushing like an i***t. “What was that about?” Lisa asked curious. Meryln was so flushed and had just lied about going to a lecture to Prince Scot. “The decree preventing your father from marrying you off.” “I should have known that was you. What did I do to deserve you?” She was touched, even when she was mean to her, Meryln still wanted to help her. “Don’t you dare go all emotional on me” Meryln warned her sternly. Lisa was too emotional sometimes. “ You know that means he really likes you, right?” Meryln rolled her eyes. “You and your fairytale fantasies. He is royalty Lisa and an heir to the throne.” “Meryln, he literally changed the law and tradition for you, I won’t even mention issuing a decree for a tree.” “He is just trying to prove his power, it has nothing to do with me.” “If you say so” Lisa could not believe that her friend could be so blind. “I have a lecture now, I won’t see you for the rest of the day. See you tomorrow at the port, I can’t wait.” “Neither can I” Meryln responded. It was her birthday tomorrow, they were going on cruise to the Jolly island for the weekend to celebrate. “Speak your mind” Scot commanded. Diago had been staring at him since Meryln and Lisa walked away. “I thought I was your closest friend” Diago said sulking. His eyes narrowed, knowing too well what was to come. Diago continued. “You have been around Lady Meryln too many times for it to be a coincidence My Prince.” “Is that a problem?” he asked defensively. Diago swallowed trying to find the right words. Scot was his best friend but his aura was terrifying even to him at times. “Not at all but if I have noticed it, more will even Princess Emily.” “Your question?” He asked sharply. The past few days were filled with emotional turmoil, even he could not comprehend. Diago sighed, Scot was intentionally making this hard for him. “What is going on between the two of you?” “Nothing, happy?” Diago bowed his head, conceding. Clearly Scot was not ready to confide in him. Meryln was walking to her favourite tree to check on Melody when she saw Princess Emily and her friends coming her direction. She opened the closest door, got in and closed it shut and exhaled relieved. Dam it, why was she avoiding Princess Emily like she did something wrong? Normally she would walk directly past her with no problems. She was about to turn around and leave when she saw a breathtaking scenery. She was in the academy’s fencing hall. Why has she never seen this place before? “Amazing!” she exclaimed. “You like what you see My Lady?” “Are you stalking me Your Highness?” She was not being paranoid, Prince Scot was showing up everywhere she went. “Why would I do that My Lady?” he asked innocently. Ignoring him she moved from one sword to the next inspecting them closely. She had no idea that the academy had such an impressive variety of swords. Intrigued by he interest, he followed her closely until she stopped in front of a glass exhibition. “This one is the best of the academy’s collection. Finest Damascus steel, a combination of a scimitar and cutlass. Sir Mosley spent months negotiating for it and finally secured it for two billion.” “It’s a pity he was sold a fake, good forgery but a fake nonetheless” she said moving on to others. “What do you mean?” he asked dumbfounded. “The sword smith only made two of those. One was declared a royal symbol in the the kingdom of Willoville by King Charles IX, it can not be sold” she said carelessly moving to other swords. He followed, amazed by her knowledge of swords. “This must be the second one then.” “Impossible” she said with certainty. “How can you be so sure?” “Because I own the second one” He was caught off guard, he had never heard of any woman who owned a sword but Meryln was definitely unlike the woman he was accustomed to. Judging by the way she used the dagger on him and threw it after Luis the other day, the possibility of her statement being true was very high. “You could be having the forgery” he suggested. Surely no one would charge the academy so much for a fake. “My father would not make me a fake now, would he?” “Sir Elliot was your father?” Now he was astonished. “Is” she snapped. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know” He did his own investigation on her beside the file given to him by Luis but had completely missed this vital information. She ignored his apology and continued inspecting the rest of the swords. She hated being pitied. Most people, especially royals knew her father as Sir Elliot the famous sword smith and king’s swordsman of Willoville who eloped with the kingdom’s Princess Mary twenty years ago when she was to wed another prince forced on her by her brother King Charles X. No one knew much about their family but it was common knowledge that the couple was declared dead the previous year after being reported missing at sea for three years. She on the other side will not accept that her parents are dead until she sees their bodies. “Can I see it?” This sword was of great interest to him. “No” “I beg of you My Lady” “Royals don’t beg Your Highness” “We command but we both know how effective that is on you.” She turned back at the door at end of the hall, ignoring him. “Why do you turn around, don’t you want to see our exclusive collection?” She turned around to face him, she loved swords and could not own enough. “I assumed that those were locker rooms.” “Come I will give you a tour” he said leading the way. Behind the main door was a row of doors on both sides. Opening the first door he pulled her in and locked. Seeing him take off his shirt made her heart gallop, how could she be so stupid and follow him right into his locker room? “I miss kissing those lips and feeling your body against mine. Don’t you miss me?” he asked, pressing her against the door. “No I don’t, let me go!” That was not something she was prepared to admit, ever. “Then why are those cheeks of yours turning scarlet?” “Dam it” His lips met hers before she finished her sentence. “I would like to see that sword Meryln.” “Mmh He chuckled, letting her go. Being able to get his way with her was very satisfying. Taking off his trousers he saw her face get more flushed and laughed, unlocking the door. “I have fencing practice now My Lady unless of course you would rather I ravage you instead.” She ran out very fast without looking back until she reached the bathrooms where she locked herself and fixed her hair and clothes. “Your Highness” Diago said mischievously as soon as Scot came out.He saw Meryln come out flushed from his friend’s locker room few minutes ago. “You saw and heard nothing” Scot warned. “Understood Your Highness” he nodded with a grin. This was the first time he saw Scot so caught up with a girl before. He kept other women including Princess Emily at an arms length to an extent that everyone believed that was his personality.
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