Chapter 8

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“Meryln, what happened to you?” Lisa asked combing her friend and fixing her clothes. Meryln swallowed, her cheeks turning red. She rushed to her lecture and didn’t realise how inappropriate she looked. “It’s Prince Scot’s fault, he’s an i***t” She was sure that Scot knew how she looked but let her go like that. “You made up with him again? Are you trying to get yourself killed by Princess Emily?” “I would like to see her try” she said defiantly. “Come let’s go showcase our talents” Lisa pulled her excited. There was no use trying to change her friend’s mind, she thrived in agitating royals. “Do we have to?” Meryln asked already dreading the event. Royal academy will be introducing all the new students and since it was their first month in the school they have to perform to showcase their talents in order to be enlisted in suitable school clubs. She hated crowds and clubs where she has to interact with royals, unfortunate for her they were the majority here. “Yes we have to. This is very important for me. Famous film directors will be attending, if my act is good enough I could get a contract even before I complete my studies. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for me” This was the reason she decided to study at the academy. All the industries started here when searching for talents because most royals attended this school. “I know dear friend, I know and I am certain that you will get the contract unless those directors are blind or stupid” Lisa was not as fortunate as her. Her family was wealthy but her parents were very old fashioned. If she is still dependent on them by the time she turns twenty one, she would be forced to wed and her parents would choose a husband for her. Their selection will be based on wealth and rank like some business transaction. She on the other side was only doing this because the school made it compulsory but wait until they see what she had in store for them. Meryln was cheering the loudest in the hall. Her friend Lisa had just done a spectacular performance playing Juliet in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Soon it was her turn, the lights turned red then green the curtain lifted up. Scot’s eyes narrowed, anticipating trouble. Meryln was seated in the centre with eight male partners standing around her. She had an old fashioned gown with a corset on and a fan on her hand. “Who told you women can’t do it too?” She asked with a seductive voice. “You want all of them, have them all just like him. Let me show you how” Music began, she threw the fan to the audience, pealing off her old fashioned gown revealing a sexy one. She did waltz with one partner, Tango with the next, Foxtrot with the third, Samba with the forth, Cha Cha with fifth, Rumba with the sixth , Jive with the seventh and Latin with the last without shedding a sweat. “I told you, nothing is stopping you from having them all” she said as they all bowed, curtains rolling down. Scot’s heart raced, seeing Meryln dance with other man, so close to them and her insinuation was brewing something within him. It was the same feeling he had at the banquet watching her dance with his brother but much worse. The hall was quiet, Meryln had really pushed the boundaries suggesting that women should have as many partners as they want. Bravo, bravo, how unique! Marko Buttiva was on his feet clapping his hands, breaking the silence in the hall. While others were focusing on the song and her statements he was looking at the dancers rhythm, technique, control and cohesiveness and found it impeccable. More guests and students joined in clapping. Marko was the great ballroom dancer and judge, if he thought the performance was good then it must have been. Two hours later, all the performances were done and the school posted the names of students awarded different contracts. There was unfortunately none under drama and Lisa was very disappointed. “This is madness, I do not want it.” Meryln’s whole team was given a very lucrative contract, that meant interaction with more people. “Seriously Meryln, just be grateful and stop opposing everything for once” Lisa snapped walking away from her. It was just not fair that she wanted the contract so bad and didn’t get it but Meryln did everything in her power to not get the contract and got it. Meryln went to the study heavy hearted and sat on the sofa in the corner away from other students. She would have gone to her favourite tree but it had started raining. Lisa was her good friend and upset with her. She did not know much about drama but she thought Lisa’s performance was perfect but she did not get the contract. Those directors are really stupid. “That was quite a performance Lady Meryln” A sarcastic voice behind her said. “What do you want?” Prince Scot was showing up everywhere, she was not in the mood to entertain him. Sitting down next to her, he ignored her question. “You really know how to push boundaries. Am I not enough for you that you want more man?” “Don’t you have anything better to do than pestering me?” “What’s wrong?” He had gotten used to her defiant tone but blatant rudeness was the first. “Seriously? What did you do to the student who were here?” The study that was full of life earlier was suddenly deserted. “What’s wrong? You are more irritable than usual and distracted” Meryln did not even realise that he inferred being her man, something he was certain she would strongly oppose. “Patriarchy, that’s what. Now please leave!” “Meryln, Talk to me” He said softly, something was clearly bothering her and he wanted to know what. She sighed, she might as well vent her frustrations to him since he was not showing any signs of leaving her alone. “Lisa did a great job but did not get a contract. Her father will sell her to the highest bidder if she is unable to support herself by the time she turns twenty one. Happy? Now go!” “You mean her father will find her a suitable husband. That has been our custom through ages” He said in a reassuring manner. “So typical! Suitable for whom? Have anyone ever asked those women if they wanted to be passed on like a piece of meat?” He had never thought about it. “I’m guessing your family would not do that to you?” “My family does not have narrow minded chauvinist pigs, thank you” Her insulting response was strangely comforting. “What do you want Meryln?” “I want you to stop pestering me and I want my friend to live her life freely without worrying about being sold off because she was born a woman” “Would a decree preventing her parents from marrying her off make you happy?” She looked at him, her eyes lighting up. “Yes, but would you do that?” “I can do anything in my kingdom” Seeing her so happy and looking at him like that pulled every string in his heart. Lifting up her chin, his face came down kissing her sensual lips. He drew out soft moans from her as he ravaged her lips. Breaking off the kiss to restrain himself from taking it too far, he looked at her. “You don’t need other man Meryln, I’m enough for you.” “You are not my man” she said still breathless. “Are you sure about that? I seem to recall three episodes before this one of us making out barely dressed.” Her face turned red, why does he have to bring that up? “That does not mean you are my man.” “Keep telling yourself that” he said standing up and leaving with a grin.
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