Chapter 7

1459 Words
Meryln stood in front of the television shocked. Theo was stripped off his royal privileges for a year for allegedly attempting to drug a maiden who attended the royal banquet last night. The royal spokesperson was interviewed and confirmed the story. He ended by saying “His majesty to the throne takes these crimes serious for if we fail to protect our women then we have failed to execute our royal duty” Scot told her Nana that he will punish Theo and kept his word. Thinking of Scot, her cheeks flushed as her heart started racing. “Oh dear, you are all flushed. Is it the honourable charming prince?” “Nana! I’m late for school. Love you”she said running to the door. Her grandmother was too observant. By the time Meryln arrived at royal academy all the students had seen the schools newsletter and disgusted with her. The newsletter reported her as the shameless commoner that arrived at the banquet, tried seducing Prince Luis who saw through her and ran off with Princess Isabella instead. She then seduced and accused Theo of drugging her in order to spend a night in the palace. Emily had found out from her sources in Avetmore palace what happened. She was so jealous that Meryln spent a night in Scot’s chambers when he wouldn’t even let her in for few minutes. She had to make sure that everyone hated and was disgusted with Meryln. Her plan couldn’t have gotten better when she informed Belle, Theo’s sister who was the second editor of the newsletter that it was Meryln that got her brother in trouble with the royals. Belle was furious, her brother might not be perfect but he did not deserve to be humiliated like this. She had to teach Meryln a lesson. She did not realise that Emily was using her to get to Meryln while she stood on the side innocent. “How can anyone believe this rubbish?” Lisa was furious. “Let’s go lay a complaint with the principal, they have to retract this nonsense” “Calm down Lisa, who cares. If anyone believes this then they are idiots and I don’t have time for idiots” Lisa was her best friend from childhood and very protective of her. “Meryln, he drugged you now they are saying you seduced him. I’m going to slap that Princess Emily.” Meryln laughed at her friend. “Fighting royals is my job because I can afford to. Throw that in the crash and tell me how your rehearsal is going.” Scot saw the newsletter and couldn’t believe that Emily could be so childish and vindictive. Emily was sitting with her friends when Scot walked in fuming. “Emily what rubbish is this? The kingdom decided not to name the victim, who gave you the right to? We have footage of Theo committing the crime but here you are suggesting otherwise. Are you suggesting that we are stupid and lack credibility?” Emily who has never seen Scot so angry started weeping and blaming Belle for printing the story against her advice. She couldn’t afford to be seen going against the kingdom’s judgement when she was hoping to be their queen. Scot apologised feeling bad for shouting at her and went to find Belle. Emily followed to make sure that Belle doesn’t implicate her. When she caught up with him, he was standing at the back of the crowd with Belle confronting Meryln in the centre. “How can you be shameless and set my brother up?” Belle yelled at Meryln lifting her hand to slap her but her hand was caught halfway and twisted by Meryln. “Let go of me you shameless woman!” “Firstly, I can have any man I want, real man. Royals just don’t cut it. Secondly, I’m guessing your p*****t brother did not tell you how he got those rib fractures. Try hitting me again, I will make sure you have a family reunion in the hospital.” Belle caught glimpse of Scot in the crowd and called for help. “Cousin help, she is hurting me.” Scot walked forward looking at them with no emotion. “Let go of her” he commanded Meryln who glared at him letting go of Belle’s hand. “Who gave you a right to print this nonsense? Are you challenging the royal decision?” He asked Belle ignoring Meryln who was clearly not impressed with him. Belle started shaking, she could not afford to upset her cousin and end up like her brother. “I did not write that Your Highness, it was Princess Emily.” “Don’t lie you despicable person” Emily sobbed running to Scot’s arms acting wronged. “I told you that your brother was a p*****t you would not listen.” Belle couldn’t believe that Emily was blaming her for everything. “Cousin I promise I …” “Enough, you will retract this nonsense and apologise to Lady Meryln.” he commanded. “No need, your opinions are insignificant to me” Meryln said coldly and left. Royals are just selfish and spineless, she thought. She was angry that Scot commanded her to let go of Belle’s hand even though she was about to release it anyway and that he just took Emily’s word against Belle when it’s common knowledge that Emily decided what gets printed in the newsletter. Then there was the part of him letting Emily run to his arms. Argh, why does she bother. She was still walking and cursing royals in her head when she was suddenly grabbed by an arm, pulled inside the room and the door banged shut. “What’s wrong with you?” She asked fuming, her eyes blazing. “You are what’s wrong Meryln. What did you mean you can have any man, real man but royals just don’t cut it?” “Is that why you are here? Did I bruise your ego?” she asked angrily glaring at him. “Meryln!” Looking at her, his eyes and tone softened. “Why are you trying to get under my skin?” “Go to your betrothed and other princesses if you want your ego stroked” she said angrily. A smile formed on his lips “my word you are jealous” he said kissing her. She pushed him away and slapped his face. “I’m not jealous, leave me alone.” He chuckled holding his face, this woman actually slapped him. “I will punish you until you beg me for mercy” He said picking her up, carrying her across the room ignoring yelling and insults hailing at him. He open a door in the corner, locked behind him and threw her on the bed. The strong alcohol smell rushed in her nostrils as she looked around. They were in the academy’s clinic room. “Let me go!” she demanded. “You want to know if I’m a real man don’t you?” He asked, removing his clothes remaining with his undergarment. She closed her eyes trying to block his sexy body but her heart was already racing, she went too far by slapping him. She had to get out of there but he caught her, pressed her to the bed and started kissing her neck. She struggled but he was stronger than her. You know what happens when you do that, he warned. “I’m sorry, I should not have slapped you” she whispered, pleading him to stop. He stopped kissing her neck and looked at her. “And your comment?” “I’m sorry about that too” “If you mean it, you know what to do” he said, their eyes meeting. She sighed, this man was too dangerous. Putting her arms around his neck she pulled his head down for his lips to meet hers. Soon they were both breathless, her panty wet and his hard manhood pressing on her thigh. “Surrender yourself to me Meryln.” “No, never!” He let got off her before he lost control. He will never force her no matter how much his body longed for that release. “How long are you going to deny me Meryln?” “As long as I live” she said decisively getting on her feet and fixing her messed up hair. “Are you certain your body will let you?” He was clearly attracted to her, her body reaction assured him that she was attracted to him too. She ignored his question and looked at her watch. “I’m late for my lecture, so long Your Highness.”
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