
1096 Words
"We are gathered here today to join Mr. Karl Arnold Sullivan and Miss Lavinia Carlon in the sacred bond of marriage," the priest's voice rang out, hushing the murmurs of the crowd. He was an older man with a kind, weathered face that crinkled at the corners when he smiled warmly at us. After clearing his throat, he continued in that same sonorous, ceremonial tone. "Miss Carlon, do you take Mr. Sullivan to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward? To love, honor, and cherish him in sickness and health, through poverty and wealth, until death do you part?" I didn't even have to think before the answer tumbled from my lips, imbued with certainty and pure, radiant joy. "I do!" My face felt like it might crack from how widely I was beaming at Karl, barely able to contain my overwhelming happiness. The priest gave a paternal nod before turning to Karl, his expression growing even more tender. "And do you, Mr. Sullivan, take Miss Carlon to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, to love, honor and protect her, forsaking all others to be solely devoted to her, as long as you both shall live?" Karl's intense gaze found mine then, his expression soft yet burning with an intensity that made my breath catch. His eyes shone with unspeakable adoration and love as he gazed at me for several weighted moments, letting the anticipation build. When he finally spoke, his deep voice was thick with conviction and certainty. "I do. Absolutely, without a single doubt in my mind. I will love and cherish this woman with every fiber of my being until my last breath." His words were so heartfelt and powerful that they caused a wave of awed murmuring to ripple through the crowd. I felt dizzy with euphoria, my heart pounding so forcefully I could feel it thrumming through my entire body. It was thundering in my ears, so loud and erratic that I was sure everyone around us could hear its frantic rhythm. A few deliriously happy tears slipped free to trail down my flushed cheeks. The priest's smile stretched even wider as he looked between us with undisguised paternal pride. "Then by the power vested in me by God and the state, it is my profound privilege and delight to pronounce you husband and wife. You may now seal your union with a kiss." Before the words had even fully left the priest's lips, Karl surged forward without warning. One of his arms snaked around my lower back while his other hand cradled the back of my head, pulling me flush against his body as he crushed his lips to mine. His kiss was ardent and passionate, stealing the breath from my lungs as his mouth moved hungrily over mine. I let out a muffled squeak of surprise at his urgency before melting into his embrace, giddily realizing he must have been desperately holding this in for months as we waited for this day. My arms wound around his neck as I kissed him back with equal fervor, all thoughts flying out of my head except for how perfectly right this felt. Like I had been unconsciously waiting my whole life for this earth-shattering kiss. When Karl finally pulled back, I felt utterly dazed and breathless, my head spinning. My lips were swollen and tingling from the intensity of his kiss. I slowly blinked my eyes open to find him already staring at me, his gaze burning with a smoldering intensity that made my knees go weak. The corner of his mouth quirked up in a devastatingly sexy half-smile as he reached up to swipe his thumb across my lower lip, catching the bit of saliva he'd left behind. "Couldn't wait any longer for a taste of my wife," he murmured in that deep, rumbly tone that never failed to make my insides turn to liquid fire. His voice was rough with barely restrained desire, the sound of it sparking a delicious shiver down my spine. I stared back at him, utterly dumbstruck and unable to formulate any kind of coherent response. Who was this insanely confident, smoldering version of my new husband? His bold actions and words were so unlike his usual restrained, polite demeanor around me. But I couldn't deny the scorching wave of arousal that rolled through me at this uninhibited side he was showing. I felt suddenly flustered yet ravenous for more of this. The sound of the wedding band kicking up a romantic tune finally broke me out of my trance. Karl's expression softened as he gave me a look that made my heart melt into a puddle in my chest. He took my hand in his, brushing his lips across my knuckles before murmuring huskily, "May I have this dance, Mrs. Sullivan?" I could only nod dumbly in response, still stunned into silence. He drew me in close, one large hand settling on my waist while the other laced our fingers together. I draped my free arm over his broad shoulder as we began swaying together in slow circles, our bodies pressed flush. The sweet, earthy scent of his cologne and the warmth radiating from him surrounded me like a cocoon. After a few moments of simply getting lost in the magic of our first dance as husband and wife, Karl leaned in close until his lips were brushing the sensitive shell of my ear. "I can't wait to get you home and unwrap the rest of my wedding gift," he rumbled in that same gravelly tone that had become my undoing. A full-body shiver ripped through me at his suggestive words and the feeling of his hot breath fanning my rapidly heating skin. I flushed bright red, my eyes going wide as I pulled back just enough to gape at him. I couldn't believe how brazenly he was talking, yet I was utterly thrilled by this uninhibited side he was showing me. In response to my deepening blush, Karl chuckled softly, the sound vibrating with pure male satisfaction. "Don't worry, my love," he purred, tightening his arm around my waist until there was not a single inch of space between our bodies. He rolled his hips against me slowly, letting me feel every rigid inch of him as he pinned me with a smoldering look. "I have a very special surprise planned for tonight that I think will satisfy your...needs. I want our wedding night to be everything you've dreamed of and more."
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