CH. 5

1155 Words
Panic seized me as the reality of my situation began to dawn. What on earth was I going to do? My thoughts were abruptly cut off as Karl, with a swift and brutal gesture, ripped my pristine white gown in half. The sound echoed through the room like a guillotine falling. I gasped, the air catching in my throat as shock coursed through me. "Your body is absolutely breathtaking, my dear wife!" He exclaimed, his voice laced with a dark amusement that sent chills down my spine. "I can't wait to explore every inch of you." His tongue darted out to wet his lips in anticipation. Instinctively, I lifted my hand to slap him across the face but he was faster than lightning. He grabbed it mid-air and pinned it behind my back with an iron grip that made me groan in pain. His eyes sparked dangerously as he clenched his teeth together in annoyance. "Don't make the same mistake twice!" Karl warned sternly. "You haven't seen anything yet because I'm still being kind to you. But don't push your luck." He applied more pressure on my wrist causing a sharp pain to radiate up my arm. I couldn’t believe this was the man I had loved and married. Karl finally released me from his vice-like hold, allowing me to carefully massage my hand, which was throbbing. The pain would dull eventually, but for now, it was a stark reminder of his strength and control over me. I stared at him defiantly despite the fear coursing through me like poison in my veins. My mind screamed at me to hurl insults at him yet I couldn’t muster up enough courage due to his intimidating presence. In haste, I bent down and gathered up what remained of my dress, attempting to shield myself from his intrusive gaze. However, before I could even cover myself properly, Karl reached out and tore away any semblance of protection I had left. His action was swift and cruel, leaving me bare and vulnerable. "I'm stepping out now," he drawled. "But don't bother trying to cover up." He pointed at my underwear with a smirk on his face. "It would be best for you to sit quietly until I return." With one final squeeze of my cheeks that was more threatening than affectionate, Karl left the room. The door slammed shut behind him with a deafening crash that made me jump. Tears welled up in my eyes and soon they were streaming down my cheeks as I crumpled to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. I felt like I was trapped in some horrifying nightmare that I couldn't wake up from. My gaze landed on the numerous objects strewn around the cramped room - handcuffs, ropes, whips and other unidentifiable instruments of torture. A large red bed dominated the space, its presence only adding to the terrifying ambiance of this hellish room. I took a deep, trembling breath and tried to gather the pieces of my shredded nerves, pulling myself up from the cold, hard floor under me. My eyes darted around like frightened birds trapped in a cage, trying to absorb every detail of this unfamiliar room. Two doors stood out like sore thumbs against the otherwise stark and barren walls - one to my immediate right and another to my left. I found myself drawn towards the door on the right. Its dark wood seemed to hum with a silent invitation. My hand reached out instinctively, fingers curling around the silver knob in an attempt to turn it. But it was as stubborn as a boulder lodged in a mountain face - immovable. The door was locked tighter than Fort Knox. My attention then veered towards its twin on the left. The moment my fingers brushed against its cool surface, it flung open with such suddenness that I stumbled back, startled. Adrenaline coursed through my veins like molten lava, igniting every nerve ending. In haste, I tugged at the ragged remnants of my clothing that lay limply around me like worn-out drapes, trying to shield myself from whatever unknown terror might be lurking behind that door. Just then, Karl made his entrance. His hands were cradling a tray with a glass of water and a small plate carrying what looked like a pill. Fear gnawed at me like a ravenous beast as I watched him approach. Still, I forced my features into an emotionless mask - refusing to let him see just how vulnerable he had made me feel. His gaze was penetrating when he saw me clutching at my rags for cover. He placed the tray down with calculated ease before advancing toward me with cautious steps. "Why do you defy me?" His voice bounced off the stone walls ominously. My throat felt parched as if filled with sand, but I swallowed hard enough to respond without a falter. "Your commands hold no weight," I shot back defiantly, "I don't dance to anyone's tune." Karl paused mid-step; his fingers absentmindedly scratching his stubbled chin while a raised eyebrow lent an almost devilish charm to his smirk. "Do you understand your punishment will be doubled?" "Punishment?" My laugh echoed hollowly around the room. "Who do you think you are to punish me?" He didn't reply, instead returning his attention to the tray. I watched as he popped the pill into his mouth and washed it down with a gulp of water. Then, rolling up his sleeves and undoing the first two buttons of his shirt, he revealed a broad chest that sent an involuntary shiver of desire coursing through me. However, reality came crashing back when I saw him head towards a compartment filled with dreadful-looking tools. Karl selected a pair of handcuffs and a whip from the assortment. Fear coiled around my heart like a python as he approached again, brandishing those terrifying objects. The handcuffs were an eerie milky white that made my stomach churn. "Turn around and place your hands behind your back," he commanded in a voice devoid of emotion. My heart pounded like tribal drums at war in my chest as I stared at him in disbelief. "And what if I refuse?" "Just do as you're told for now." His tone brooked no argument. My laugh was bitter this time. "In your dreams, Mr. Sullivan." Without another word, Karl pinned me against the wall, twisting me around so that my back was to him. He forcefully held my arms behind me and slipped them into the cuffs. Struggling proved futile - I found myself immobilized. Karl then squatted before me, turning my body gently until our eyes met once more. His gaze lingered on my face for a moment before his hand reached out to tenderly stroke my cheek - only to grip my jaw tightly without any warning. "Brace yourself for whatever comes next," he cautioned with a tone that sent chills down my spine.
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