12 Do You Love Him?

952 Words
"Do you really want to marry him?" He finally asked, his teeth clenched, after I could feel the strain in my neck. "Isn’t that what you wanted? When Angelo proposed to me, wasn’t your frustration because I hesitated? I said yes, and now you’re unhappy—what’s your problem? Isn’t this what serves your purpose?" He let out a cold laugh, his hands sliding down from where they had been pressing against the seat beside my ears. We were now almost touching, and the proximity was unbearable. His breath was too close, too warm—strangely warm for someone like him. "Do you love him?" That question was impossible for me to answer. My rational mind was useless when dealing with Marco. To fight back against him, I blurted out, "I don’t know if I love him, but I certainly don’t love you." Only after the words left my mouth did I realize I had provoked him, and so I went silent. He grabbed my face, and I could feel that if he applied any more force, he could easily break my neck. "I’ll ask you one more time, do you love him? Or have you ever loved any man? That worthless Matthew who betrayed you? Or David, who is always around me? You’re always entangled with different men, Harper. How could I know who you love, when you seem to fall so easily for just about anyone, isn’t that right?" Did he even realize what he was saying? Anger flared within me, threatening to explode. "Enough!" Perhaps it was my sheer anger, but I managed to push him back, though the car was too small for us to be far apart. I glared at him. "You may not like me, but that doesn’t mean you have to insult me like this! Matthew betrayed me, insulted your father, and that’s why I broke up with him. Angelo has been nothing but kind to me. He’s a gentleman—he doesn’t strangle me, and he doesn’t use forced kisses as a way to humiliate me when I’m drowning. There’s nothing wrong with seeking love, and I can sleep with whomever I want—just not you, brother!" I grabbed my bag, opened the car door, and bolted out. As I left the garage, the cool wind hit me, clearing my mind a little. I slowly made my way to the front door of the house. My mother and father were sitting in the living room, obviously waiting for me. Dad seemed genuinely happy, already knowing about Angelo’s proposal. Mom had a clear look of joy on her face as well. “Honey, why are you just getting back? Where’s Marco? I heard Angelo proposed to you! Oh my, that’s such wonderful news…” Dad smiled at her. His eyes were filled with tenderness and love. If a man could love me that way, I too would rush headlong into love like my mother did. Although I couldn’t quite make sense of my feelings for Angelo yet, seeing how happy my parents were made me think that maybe I could give it a chance. After all, he had been kind to me. I put my bag on the cabinet, changed into slippers, and sat next to my father. "Dad, so you already knew." He smiled, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes only enhancing his handsome features, giving him a distinguished charm. And on this mature version of Marco’s face, I saw nothing but love and blessings. I understood—he valued the family business, but he also wanted me to be happy. “Harper, go and do what you want to do. I want you to be the happiest princess in the world.” I felt my eyes sting with unshed tears, so I hugged his strong arm, murmuring, “I will, Dad.” I would make him proud, and I wouldn’t let him down. Awkwardly, he patted my head with his other hand. Mom spoke cheerfully about how well Angelo treated me, then looked toward the door, asking why Marco hadn’t returned yet. Dad explained that Marco had told him he had something to take care of. I felt a bit guilty, unsure if my shouting earlier had soured his mood. Honestly, Marco had shown some respect toward my mom today. In everyone’s eyes, we seemed like a happy family. I didn’t want my mother to worry about my relationship with him. When Mom heard what Dad said, she had a hint of concern, defending Marco. “Marco has a lot of responsibilities. We should be understanding of him.” “Mom, maybe Marco went to discuss my wedding with the Contis. You should think about preparing my wedding instead—I have no idea where to start.” Sure enough, Mom’s attention shifted to wedding plans. We talked for a while longer, and then, tired, we said goodnights. I went back to my room. It had been a long day. Almost drowning, getting threatened and kissed by Marco, then accepting a proposal—I was exhausted. I removed my makeup, changed into pajamas, and the moment I crawled into bed and closed my eyes, I fell into a deep sleep. But my dreams weren’t peaceful. Details that I had ignored during the day became vivid. Marco kept appearing in my dreams, questioning why I agreed to the proposal, kissing me forcefully, telling me that I could only be with him. It was a nightmare. In the dream, I seemed to sigh in resignation. But it was just a dream. At that moment, I couldn’t understand the warning God was giving me. I slept on, turning over, sinking deeper into slumber.
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