Chapter Twelve

1251 Words
Chapter Twelve The food arrived pretty quickly, luckily, and as I paid the delivery guy, Jason went and get it down on the dining table. It still felt weird calling Mr T by his real name. It just felt.. Unnatural some how, but at the same time, I couldn’t keep calling me ‘’Mr Taylor’’ or ‘’Mr T’’ every time spoke to him.  Walking over to him, He was in the kitchen, collecting some plates.  ‘Do you want me to take those?’ He passed them over and thanked me. ‘No problem’. I set them down on the table while he grabbed himself a beer from the fridge.  ‘I’d offer you one but you’re under age’. He joked. I just smiled.  ‘So, We’re already breaking rules’. He thought for a second and shrugged.  ‘Do you want one?’  ‘Sure’. He brought two bottles back to the table and we sat down and dug in to our dinner. Admittedly, I wasn’t a massive fan of beer, I was more of a cocktail girl, but, can’t complain.  We had random small talk, back and forth through dinner so it wasn’t just an awkward silence, but, it was nice. I was dying to ask him about his house, But I didn’t want to come across as nosy or rude. He must have sensed my curiosity because I kept looking around at every thing.  ‘You can ask’. I smiled and felt myself blush slightly.  ‘Just.. How? This house is massive!’ He grinned and shrugged.  ‘I’m a teacher because I enjoy it, not because I need the pay check’. His reply seemed kind of cocky, but, I just nodded, understanding.  ‘I half expect there to be a massive pool in the garden’. He grinned again. ‘There is, isn’t there?’  ‘Maybe’.  We carried on chatting about random s**t, Until dinner was over and we moved back in to the living room to watch a movie.  Deciding on a classic, The Lost Boys, Jason sat down next to me as the movie started.  ‘I love this film, easily my favourite’. I whispered.  ‘Mine too’. I couldn’t help but look over at him. He either didn’t realise or care that I was staring.  The opening song started and I sat back and pulled my legs up, getting comfy. ‘Do you want pop corn?’ Jason whispered. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.  ‘Seriously? The movie just started!’. I scolded him. He just grinned and picked up the remote.  ‘Thats why there is this amazing invention called ‘’the pause button’’. Here, Press it. I’ll go get snacks.’ Sighing, I paused the movie and waited. Couldn’t he have gotten snacks before the movie started?! ...I guess it saves having to get up later.  I could hear him fussing around in the kitchen and looked over. He seemed so.. happy... and he looked adorable. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched him grabbing random things from the cupboards, and a bottle of wine from the fridge.  ‘Do you want one?’ He asked with out looking up, as if he knew I was staring.  ‘Sure’. I’d already had a beer, so what was the harm in having a wine too? ‘Do you need any help?’ Unless he was an octopus, it would be multiple trips bringing every thing over.  ‘Yeah, thanks’. I jumped up and went over to the kitchen to grab my drink and the bowl of pop corn, while he grabbed his glass and the bottle of wine. Making out way back to the sofa again and continued to watch the movie.  We were about half an hour in to the film when I started to feel a little peckish and reached over to grab a hand full of pop corn out the bowl that Jason has stolen and holding hostage in his lap.  ‘Hey! Don’t steal my pop corn! Get your own!’. He lifted the bowl up and out of my reach.  ‘Don’t be a child, give me some!’.  ‘Nahhh’. I pouted and sat back down. He just laughed and put the bowl back on his lap, and started eating it again. Asshole. Sighing, I leaned forward and grabbed my glass of wine, but before I even realised what it was, A hand full of pop corn came flying at me, making me jump and spill the wine down myself.  ‘What the f**k?!’ Ok, no I was pissed. He didn’t even react, He just sat there, shoving pieces in to his mouth, smirking and watching the movie. Seriously? I just stared at him, mouth open, just... Completely f*****g surprised to see this side off him.. And he started laughing. Full belling laughing.  What is he, 12?!  I lunged forward and grabbed a hand ful of pop corn and threw it in his face, His laughing quickly stopped and wine and pop corn war started.  It was fun, we were both laughing loudly. I grabbed the bowl and pulled it away from him, but whether it was that his grip on it, or that I just moved too suddenly, what ever the reason, I ended up flat on my back on the sofa, with the remainder of pop corn over me… and Mr Taylor on top of me.  The laughing instantly stopped and we just stared at each other. I never noticed his pretty his eyes were before. The only sounds in the whole room were the movie, that seemed a million miles in the distance, and our heavy breathing…  He wasn’t getting up..  ...But… I didn’t want him to any way.  Almost, as if it was involuntary, my eyes shot to his lips, but only for a VERY quick second, but he noticed, and his did the same.  What is happening?  As if it were happening in slow motion, his face started to get closer to mine. I slowly closed my eyes and leaned up to meet his lips, I could feel his breath on my face, he was inches away, but my phone ringing made him pull back with lightning speed and climb off me.  It took me a minute to process. It was my phone. I grabbed it and saw who it as. It was just a text off my mum, nothing important. Putting the phone down, I looked up at Jason, who was stood, awkwardly in the middle of the room. ‘Um, What-’  ‘I have to go to bed. Your room is the first door on the left’. He cut me off and vanished out of the room in a heartbeat. I looked up at the TV and suddenly wasn’t in the mood to watch it. Turning the TV off, I grabbed my phone and headed for bed.  Tonight went from weird… to strangely weirder… 
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