Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen I didn’t know what to do. Mum had honestly never acted like that before. I’d call dad, but he was probably busy.. Or didn’t care, but I couldn’t just leave her like that. I sent him a text, explaining what had happened and just left.  There was no point going back to school, It finishes in about half an hour, it would take longer to get there, So.. I just started walking...and walking.. And walking.. And before I knew it, I was stood outside Mr Taylor’s house.  There was no way he would be home yet, and I was probably completely out of line even coming here, but, I didn’t know where else to go.. Or what else to do..  I had saved his number in to my phone pretty much as soon as he gave it me. My fingers were shaking as if I was scared. I wasn’t, but maybe the fact I had a fuking vodka bottle thrown at my head had some thing to do with my shaky nerves.  I kept typing and deleting my text message.  Jason… Mr T…. Mr Taylor… What the f**k do I call him?  Jason. I’ll go with Jason.  Hey Jason, Um, I don’t know why, but, I’m at your house. My mum has completely lost it, I don’t know what to do  I got a reply almost instantly;  There is a spare key hidden in the soil of the plant pot by the door. Go in, get a drink and some thing to eat. Make yourself at home and I’ll leave now. Tell me about it when I get there.  I couldn’t help but smile. How sweet of him.  I sent him a text back, thanking him and started looking for the key, it didn’t take too long, and I headed inside.  It was still so breathtaking.  It felt slightly weird being in Mr Taylor’s house with out him. I make myself a cup of coffee and went and sat down on the sofa. I didn’t feel comfortable enough to make any thing to eat… even if I was starving!  I wondered how long he would be. He said he was leaving school in his text, and that was about 15 minutes ago, so, probably only about half an hour if there was no traffic.  To kill the time, I started playing Angry Birds on my  The front opening and closing made me jump. I could hear Jasons foot steps on the hardwood floor as he made his way towards the living room. I put my now empty coffee mug down and stood up.  ‘Hey, you ok?’ He asked with a smile as he dumped his work bag down on the table.  ‘I guess’. Noticing that I clearly wasn’t, he came over to me and sat down.  ‘What happened?’  ‘She was completely wasted, Started being a complete b***h and-’ I stopped talking. At the end of the day, he was still my teacher, I didn’t want to tell him any thing that he could..or would have to, go back and tell the school.  ‘And?’ I looked away.  ‘Nothing’. I started fiddling with my thumbs, but he placed his hands over mine, stopping me. ‘Talk to me. I’m not going to tell any one any thing’. I looked at him, my vision slightly blurred from my tears. ‘I promise’.  ‘S..She pushed me over and threw a vodka bottle at me’. His eyes widened in horror.  ‘Are you hurt?!’ I shook my head quickily and his sighed. ‘Good. Jesus Christ’. I dropped my gaze again. ‘You need to tell some one whats going on, you can’t keep this to yourself, it's not fair’.  ‘No, please, don’t’.I stood up and started panicking. ‘You can’t tell any one! You promised’. ‘I won’t, but you shouldn’t. I shook my head and started grabbing my things, getting ready to leave. ‘Wait..’ I didn’t. ‘Julie, wait!’.  ‘Why?’ I could see the pity on his face as he walked towards me.  ‘I won’t mention it again, Ok. I want my home to be.. A safe place for you to come, because you clearly can’t confide in your friends’. I couldn’t help but smile sadly at his words. How sweet. ‘But it's out secret ok?’ I nodded.  ‘Thank you’. We just stood staring at each other.. I didn’t know what to say, clearly he didn’t either.. I stepped forward, towards him, it was like he was a magnet and I was drawn to him. What the hell was I doing?!  ..But he didn’t move back, He just stayed standing there, His eyes locked on mine.  ‘Thank you’. I told him again, but this time, My voice was hardly even a whisper.  ‘It's ok’. His voice wasn’t much louder. I stopped when we were so close that you wouldn’t be able to slide a piece of cardboard between us…  He hesitated, but eventually placed his hand on my waist, holding me there. My hands were shaking when I reached up and cupped his cheek.. And then, it just happened…  He leaned down and I leaned up and before either of us knew what as really, truly happening, Our lips touched..  We kissed!..
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