Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen Lunch time detention seemed to drag, James came in and spoke about how he was going to help me out. I said it before, I’ll say it again, I was so wrong about him, he’s such a sweet guy. Jen was suddenly not feeling well again, so Mr T let her go and get some lunch.  Leaving just me and him alone. Awkward.  I kept my head down and made it clear I wasn’t in the mood for talking..  ‘So, What's with the attitude recently?’ I looked up at him. For real?  ‘I don’t have one, you’re the one that's become a ball buster and put me and Jen in detention for no reason!’. I snapped. He raised his eye brow. ‘Oh, just forget it’. Shaking my head, I looked away from him again.  ‘Julie-’ He was cut off when my phone started ringing. ‘Seriously? Why is that on?’  ‘I thought it was off, I’m sorry, No one normally calls me during school hours. It must be an emergency. Can I answer it?’ He sighed and just waved his hand, letting me know I could. I thanked him and pulled my phone out of my bag, Surprised to see that it was my mum.  That can’t be good! I answered it quickily; ‘Hello, mum? Is every thing ok?’  ‘Oh wow, Julie, Juuuuullliiieeeeee. Where are youuuu?’ What the f**k?!  ‘Mum, I’m at school, whats wrong with you?!’ Mr Taylor’s head snapped up hearing the worry in my voice.  ‘Nothing, I’m living the dream girlllyyyyy’ She kept dragging her words. Oh no.  ‘Mum, Are you drunk?’  ‘What, No, No… I had some wine, is that a crime?!’ I closed my eyes and sighed Upset.  ‘Why aren’t you at work?’  ‘Don’t wanna be!’ f**k, f**k, f**k!  ‘Right, Mum, I’m coming home. Just stay there until I get there’. I hung up before she could say any thing more and stood up, Picking up my bag. ‘I know you have to go all ‘’teacher’’ on me. But, She never drinks in the day, some thing is wrong. I need to go home’. He just nodded. ‘Thank you’.  ‘You have my number if you need me’. He reminded me, I just smiled and nodded and hurried out the room. I dialled the number for a taxi for as soon as possible.. It would be quicker than the bus… I ran up the garden path and in to the house. I heard the music from half way down the street, but as soon as I got in side, it was deafening. I headed straight to the front room to turn it off, hoping mum would be in there, but she wasn’t.  ‘Mum?!’ No answer. ‘Mum??’  ‘WHAT!?!’ She sounded pissed. I heard food steps and suddenly she appeared in the door way. ‘Why the f**k did you turn my music off?!’ She had a vodka bottle in her hand. Yep, She was completely bladdered.  ‘Because it was too loud, Mum what happened?!’ She pushed passed me and went to turn the music back on. ‘MUM!?’  ‘I was fired! Ok! Fired!’. Oh gosh, no. I sighed.  ‘I’m sorry, I know you liked your job’. I went to hug her, but she pushed me away, roughly. It hurt my feelings.  ‘Oh f**k off Julie, You don’t care’. She went to take another swig of her vodka, but I stopped her.  ‘No!, You don’t need to drink any more’. Again, she pushed me away, this time, I fell to the floor. ‘Stop interfering!’. She raised the bottle above her head and threw it down at me, I managed to roll out of the way quick enough and it shattered on the floor. ‘Get out Julie!’.  Scrambling to my feet I ran out of the room and house as fast as I could.  She’s never been like that before. As soon as I slammed the door behind myself, I burst in to tears!
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