Chapter Fourteen

717 Words
Chapter Fourteen We walked in to the super market and split up, Eddie was in charge of drinks, Peter was on pop corn duty, Jenna went to find chocolate and I got the best job, finding sweets! Red vines, gummy bears, all the good stuff.  What was the point of spending a god damn fortune on Cinema snacks when we can get every thing and more for a fraction of the price in the store?  I headed to the sweet aisle and grabbed a basket on the way.  I started stuffing random bags of sweets in to the basket. There was no real right or wrong choices when it comes to sweets. It's all good… Except for black liquorice. I almost heaved at the thought of it alone.  The basket was getting pretty full, but any thing that we don't eat, we can all just snack on later.  ‘Hey, Julie!?’ I looked up from examining two different bags of gummy bears and looked down the aisle to see Jen running over to me. Her basket was just as full as mine, if not more so.  ‘Damn girl, eating for two much?!’ I laughed, but she didn’t. ‘Chill, I’m joking’. I looked at what she had and mentally put ‘’dips’’ on the peanut butter cups. Lush! ‘Where are the guys?’  ‘Peter went to help Eddie’.  ‘Drinks are a two person job?’ She shrugged.  ‘Cleaning’. Both laughing, we left the sweet aisle and headed towards where the guys where. Rounding the corner, I stopped dead.  Mr Taylor was talking to Peter and Eddie. s**t. I couldn’t help but look him over though. He was wearing black combat boots, skinny jeans with rips in the knees and a tight white shirt. He looked f*****g hot!  It's weird. I always thought he was attractive, sure, but I am definitely seeing him in a new light now. Tugging on my arm, Jenna pulled me down to the guys. I just kept my gaze on the floor when she greeted Mr T.  ‘Hello girls. Jenna, Glad to see you are feeling better. Will I be seeing you at school on Monday?’  ‘Yeah, I’ll be back’.  ‘Good. Although, If you plan on eating all that chocolate, I wouldn’t be surprised if you are laid up for a few more days with food poisoning’. She laughed lightly. I still hadn’t looked up. ‘Good morning Julie’. My eyes shot up and I looked at him.  He didn’t seem to happy.  ‘Good morning Mr Taylor.’ As quickily as I had looked up at him, I looked away again, but Peter was quick to start talking again after, so no one really noticed how awkward we were around each other.  Peter and Eddie were rambling on and on with Mr T for a little while with Jenna adding comments every now and then. I just stayed quiet until I realised the time.  ‘Um, Sorry to interrupt, but the movie is starting in like 5 minutes and we still haven’t paid, so..’  ‘s**t. Sorry Mr T, We gotta go’. He nodded and every one said their goodbyes before hurrying off. I wasn’t in such a rush, but as I went to follow, Mr T stopped me.  ‘You know I panicked when I woke up this morning and the house was empty’. He whispered in case any one was with in ear shot.  ‘Yeah well, I thought it was for the best to just leave’. He sighed and pulled some thing from his pocket and handed it over to me. ‘What’s that?’  ‘It's my number, text or call me. We need to talk about what happened last night before we go back to school on Monday’. I just nodded and headed in the direction of my friends, ignoring my teacher when he yelled for me to have a good day.  Well, I suppose that could have been worse… 
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