16: Caught in a Lie

1219 Words
ALEXANDER Of late, Chris has been distant. That playful, seductive and kinky side of him disappeared unexpectedly with no prior warning. I have wanted to ask him about his bizarre behavior for days, but I haven’t got the right moment, since he is always brushing me aside if it doesn't involve work. He has been spending so much time with that Ben guy, and it is irritating me very much. Professionally speaking, he is quite an asset and I have no complaints whatsoever about him as an employee. He is always on time or ahead of schedule every time. So, even if I wanted to vent my frustrations on him, I can’t do so without looking like a douche, and if I am being truthful, he is the best P. A have ever had. With no Chris to occupy my spare time, most of my after-hours are spent at Jake's club. Liam is supposed to meet me there later, so I requested to have a face-to-face talk with him. My uncle called and said that despite his warnings, Liam had agreed to change universities for his boyfriend, which is concerning. I didn't bother telling him that I had advised Liam against it after he begged me to speak with his son. Knowing my cousin, it's useless to try to change his mind once it is made up, which makes it harder for him to understand our concerns. Glancing at my watch, I expected Liam to pop in anytime, so I trailed my gaze to the entrance, so I could spot him easily. This club is not so frequented on weekdays, making it a perfect spot to pick up one-night stand twinks. I used to do that a lot until I met Christian, and I feel I might go back to doing just that. “ I have shown security his picture, they will send him over once he arrives." My friend muttered, dropping on the opposite seat with his neat bourbon at hand. “ Thanks.” I gulped my shot of tequila and pushed the empty glass towards him, and he raised it to the waiting staff, who brought the Diamanté bottle to the table. Jake requested another tot glass and joined me. “ What are we drinking to?” He asked, “ Blurry lines.” “ What the f*ck is that supposed to mean?” he asked, draining his shot. I took my time and caught him up with the latest developments between Chris and me. “ Are you sure you didn't do anything?” “ I am certain." “ Sorry, man, it's not like you like the guy anyway.” Jake's words seemed to click something in mind. Him saying I didn't like Christian kind of reminds me of what I said that night. I did tell Christian I wasn't jealous because we were just having fun. Could that be the reason he has pushed me away? Was he perhaps expecting more? I should have made it clear from the beginning what it was. Maybe then, it would have saved me from this tricky situation. “ How have you been?” I asked instead of dwelling on Christian. “ Excited, I can't wait for the kid number two to drop." “ I bet, if she is anything like junior, I pity Millie and you.” I raised my glass, and we drank to the newest addition to his family. “ That's true, but I wouldn't trade them for anything…" he trailed off, turning to look at a security guy approaching us with my cousin following meekly. “ He is here…” Jake stated the obvious, attempting to vacate his seat. “Don't leave,” I informed softly and turned my gaze to Liam, who reached out to hug me briefly. “ Hi, Jake," he greeted with a bored sigh. “ Liam,” my friend grunted lowly, and I smiled at his curt tone. Apart from his darling wife, and a few close people in his life, Jake is a grumpy jerk to many. “Want anything to drink?” “ I could use a beer." Jake informed someone to get Liam's drink as I gave my cousin my full attention. “ You changed your mind.” I didn't have to elaborate further, for he knew what I was talking about. The last time I saw him, he was supposed to say no to his boyfriend's ridiculous intention to have him change schools. “ Are you mad?” “ No,” “ I promise you, I know what I am doing.” Liam argued! “ Doesn't seem like it,” Jake scoffed, shooting Liam with a skeptical gaze. “Listen, kid, when things go bad, and they will, it will be too late to go back and start again.” He said calmly. “ What do you know about it?” “ Not much…” grumbled Jake. “…but someone who truly loves you wouldn't want you to throw away your dreams for them.” “ I'm not throwing away my dreams. I will still study, just at a different university, can't you understand that?” “ Listen, Liam, it's your decision, no one is forcing you to do anything. " I chipped, knowing a confrontation between Jake and Liam wouldn't end well. “ Thanks…” “ So I take it you are going to Egerton….” I trailed when I saw a familiar black curly mop sitting by the counter. Jake and Liam followed my gaze and we three stared intently as the head turned, and I found myself staring directly at Chris, who looked like a culprit caught in action. He licked his lips, eyes darting around, trying to escape my scorching gaze. “Who is he?” My cousin asked and at the same time Jake whispered, "is he…?” “ Mmm,” I nodded at Jake and to Liam 'just an employee', sufficed. “What is he doing here?” Jake wondered out loud, “ Doesn't matter.” I snapped another shot. “ Some employee he is…” “ Liam!” “ I am just saying Lex," he said, using a name only he calls me. “ He doesn't look like just an employee to me, look at the way he keeps glancing this side…” I lifted my eyes and true to Liam's words, Chris was looking over at us, but I ignored him. “ Who is he?” Insisted Liam “ I told you he….” “ You forget I know you…” accused Liam, "that look on your face screams I am hitting that.” “ That obvious?” I raised my brow, tilting my head, Jake just shrugged while Liam smiled knowingly. “Probably because we know you,” said Jake. "He clearly wasn't expecting to see you here.” he finished, craning his head to see more of Christian. “ Him and me both.” I drowned another shot, and another one, and turned to have a good look at Christian. I didn't hide my stare; I wanted him to feel it. To squirm under my gaze and show that fool he is sitting with the kind of effect I have on him. “ You are staring,” Liam murmured. “ That's the point," I informed, refilling my shot glass.
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