19: Cat Out Of The Bag

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CHRISTIAN “Sir, I know you said to hold all the calls, but this is important.” I informed Alex, who had strictly ordered me to hold his appointments and calls for thirty minutes after his friend had arrived. “ I was on my way out.” The Jake guy said, rising to his feet, while Alex said, "I will take it.” bumping a fist with his friend and walked back to his chair, ready for the call. I returned to my desk and transferred the held call through. “You are Christian,” Jake said after he followed me out, and it wasn't a question. “ Listen, we don't know each other, but we have one thing in common, him” he pointed at the now-closed office door. I stared at him blankly, wondering which turn his strange talk was taking. “ You love him,” another fact. “Don't hurt him.” And he walked off, leaving me gawking at him. 'Don't hurt him, he said,' he said. Did he not know I am the one who got hurt? Without dwelling on his words for long, I turned back to work. Hours flew by staring at the white screen, and I needed a break. I sent Ben a text on my way to the cafeteria for a bite. “ You have to tell her,” Ben informed, taking a seat opposite to me. Before I could respond, Amy walked in all smiley after seeing us. “ How did yesterday go? None of you bothered to update me.” She grumbled accusingly. I glanced at Ben, hoping he would fill her in, but he just shrugged it with 'it was fine.' Amy knew Ben and I visited Eva at work, but from the vibe Ben was giving, it was obvious more happened. “Guys!” Amy grumbled, getting more interested as she took a seat next to Ben. “Say something," she begged. “ Anyone?” She asked, glancing between us both intuitively. “Mr. Alexander and I used to be involved.” I blurted out lowly. “By involved, you mean…” “They have been f*cking Amy, our friend here has been sleeping with the boss." Ben chipped in his two cents. “ Is this true, Chris?” She was sprouting a look of disbelief. “It is,” I confirmed. Never thought I would ever see her speechless, but that's what my confirmation did to her. It rendered her speechless. “ I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner. " “I doubt you'd have told us,” Ben spoke again, and I couldn't help but feel irritated. “ It's over now, no longer an issue. " I shot in frustration. “It is an issue, Chris, you lied to us. Which is not cool considering you know everything about us. I thought we were friends. " Amy spoke up, staring directly into my eyes. “ We are friends.” I gritted my teeth. “Just because I didn't tell you who I was f*cking doesn't make us any less friends. " I told them my thoughts. They truly are my friends, but I am also entitled to keep to myself happenings in my life I am not comfortable sharing. “ And you are right, I would not have told you. It's not a crime to keep some things just to myself. And rightly so, for it saves me from those accusing looks you are giving me right now. " I finished calmly. “ I am not judging you, Chris, I would be the last person to do so, and it's belittling for you to actually think that.” Amy started. “ I am, however, pissed that you didn't trust us enough to share your problems with us. Friends burden and unburden each other, in my world at least. " She stood and left. “ Say what you have to say. " I told Ben, who was staring at me with a thoughtful look on his face. “ I am with her on this, babe. Friends don't assume the worst of each other. You should have given us the chance to see if we would have judged you. " And he followed suit. It started with a dreadful silence. From the corner of my eyes, I could see those seated at other tables babbling, but their sounds felt too far. And then I began hearing my own heart pound. Crazy! I know. Before long, it was like my lungs weren't getting enough oxygen. ' Exhale… Inhale…” I began chanting as I rushed to the washrooms, locked myself in one, and crouched down, hyperventilating. I can't tell how long it stayed like that, but I heard Ben's voice calling my name as the pounding on the door increased. “ Chris… are you in there? Babe, Please open the door.” I wanted to, but I was shaking so bad. Just when I thought he had given up, Ben climbed in from the next toilet and grabbed me in his arms. “ Shh… I got you,” he whispered. “ I got you, babe.” He insisted, rubbing my back gently. He pulled back and started breathing patterns with me, which helped, and my breath started steadying. He used his thumbs to wipe my tears and pulled me in for a tight embrace. “ I am sorry, babe" “ It's not your fault. " I breathed out. “Let's head to my office, everyone has gone for lunch. " I nodded and followed him out. “ Here. " He handed me a bottle of water, which I gulped fast. Amy came in just as I was discarding the bottle in the trash can. “Are you okay, Chris?” She asked all concerned, and it made me feel guilty for lying to them. “ I am sorry I didn't tell you about it.” “ Sorry I exploded on you, I projected my own issues to you." “ It's okay." “ It's not. I think I felt wretched when I realized you didn't trust us enough, well, me personally. This is the only kind of relationship I have had where I felt I was good enough.” I understood what she meant because I knew Amy's history. She blamed herself for being abandoned at an orphanage as a child, and for all her failed relationships, especially the most recent. She is just like me, using exuberance to hide the pain inside. But unlike me, she confided in us, her friends. And I should have done the same, for it seems so important to them. “ I promise no more secrets.” I whispered, pulling her in my arms. “And you can project your woes to me anytime.” She laughed softly. “ But as long as he is there to pick my butt off the toilet floor. " It was Ben's turn to smile, and I knew it was all behind us.
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