4: Job Offer

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ALEXANDER A week flew by like a blur, mainly because I had a hectic schedule and also because I was excited for Christian starting work. They are supposed to be moving in my staff quarter today, so I am hoping to schedule a meeting with him the day after tomorrow so that we can discuss which position suits him best. Since my P. A has been pushing for a promotion, I could enable that and get Christian to fill in if he accepts, or I could have him choose among the few assistant vacancies we have in the departments. I am weirdly excited to meet him because a proper introduction is overdue. I haven't been back to the hospital for obvious reasons and also because I was busy, mostly. I have sent Yusuf over to them a couple of times, mainly to take food and also ensure no treatment is spared in the name of expense. Elizabeth is supposed to start training with Maria, she will take over as my housekeeper, and she will have less than two months to learn how to run my house smoothly. I am very particular when it comes to my household running, and that's why I feel she needs ample time to learn. The giddiness I feel though has nothing to do with Elizabeth and everything to do with her delectable twink of a son. That boy hasn't been able to leave my mind, and I haven't even talked to him yet. I wonder how bad it will be once I get to meet him. I made sure some of my security detail had accompanied them to retrieve their belongings from their house. I had given them precise instructions that no harm should come to Christian and his mother, and if need be, to involve authorities. Hopefully, by the time I get home, they will have already moved into my compound. I had Yusuf prepare a two-bedroom flat, and it should be enough for both of them. I decided to drop by a friend on my way home. Jake owns several clubs in town; I had to call him just to know where he would precisely be and at what time. I ended up overstaying to my disappointment, when I got home they had gone to sleep. I went straight to bed with hopes of seeing him tomorrow before I leave for work. “Good morning sir.” Elizabeth greeted me warmly when I got in the kitchen the following morning. She seemed happier than and almost younger since I last saw her. “Good morning to you as well, Elizabeth," I answered just as warmly. "And please call me Alexander.” “ Are you sure you don't mind?” “ I don't, since you will be working in my personal space and mostly making meals for me, I think a first name basis is in order. “ I assured truthfully, “ How are you finding the place? I hope your living quarters are comfortable enough.” I added: “It's more than we could have asked for, it's so comfortable, and we love it here. " “ I'm glad to hear,” my eyes scanned around for any sight of Christian, but nothing. “ How is your son?” I prompted so that I could get an idea of where he was. “That silly boy is still sleeping. I think he is enjoying the comfortable bed too much, for he has never laid in such a bed.” She answered lightheartedly. The thought of not seeing Christian dimmed my mood a little, but I knew by tomorrow it will be inevitable since he must begin his work. “ Before I forget, remind Christian about his appointment tomorrow. We will leave together for the office at seven-thirty am.” “He is well aware, sir. “ I narrowed my eyes at her, and she corrected herself. “I mean Alexander.” We had a bit of a chat before Yusuf and I left. My day went on well, with just a few snags here and there, and eight hours went by very fast. I got home earlier but went directly to my office because I had some pending video conference which I preferred to do at the comfort of my home. By the time I retired to bed, all the employees had already left for their quarters. As always, Maria had left some food which I heated and enjoyed alone seated by the kitchen counter before I retired to bed. 'I will be down soon.' I replied to Yusuf's message of, you are late, the following morning. I couldn't blame him for worrying, for I am never late. The reason for my delay is I couldn't decide which tie to wear, which is absurd for I have had to wear ties since I was in diapers, and have never had trouble choosing. Today, however, I have a certain someone to impress. I swear I feel like a teenager, over-excited just because I am meeting Christian, or more like him meeting me. My excitement was palpable, and I needed to do something to dampen my mood, to conceal my real emotions. I can't have my employees thinking I am a creep or something. So, I did the only thing that guaranteed a drastic change of mood; I thought of him and his betrayal. Oddly enough, thinking of my ex-husband made me wary of making the same mistakes I did eight years ago when I met him. I stared at the mirror and long gone was the giddy Alex and in his place stood the Mogul Alexander, boss mode switched on. Because that is what I was too Christian and as much as I find him attractive I can't act on it. I promised myself never to go down that road again, and I intend to keep it. All the excitement I felt earlier had drained out of my blood by the time I got downstairs. I took my coffee from Elizabeth and looked around for Christian. As if she read my mind; “He is already waiting outside with Yusuf.” “Did he have breakfast yet?” I prefer my employees well rested and fed. “Yes, he did earlier together with Yusuf,” she explained. “Okay, have a lovely day” And I walked out. The sight that met my eyes made me halt mid-stride. The boy, I hadn't quite seen clearly, was standing by the car in a cheap suit that shaped his slender frame amazingly. His curls were pushed to the side, revealing grayish eyes. When his eye caught mine, I got stunned for a second before I straightened my back and strode towards him. “Good morning, Christian, we haven't formally met, my name is Alexander.” He put his small hand in mine as he shook it and I swear I felt a shiver run down my spine, I almost gasped. I quickly pulled my hand from his hold like he had burned it, startling him in the process. “ Are you ready to go?” I asked as I opened the left passenger door. His pretty eyes held mine briefly before he replied, “ Yes, sir.” His confident tone was the the opposite of his frail body. One would have thought he would stutter, since he can't seem to hold my gaze for long. I gestured for him to climb first, and Yusuf gave me this strange look with a shake of his head. I shot him my nonchalant frown, wondering if I was that obvious. I honestly hope not. It wasn't until I settled in the car that I realized I always let Yusuf open doors for me, but today I initiated the action which clearly surprised Yusuf, hence the strange look. I could see curiosity written all over Yusuf's face as he kept looking at me in the rearview mirror. I glared at him in return, forcing him to concentrate on the road. We rode in comfortable silence until Christian broke the silence. “ Sir, I haven't had a chance to thank you for what you did for us, my mother told me all about it. If there is a way I could return your kindness, please don't hesitate to ask.” He stated calmly, and I turned to look at him. Like, really look at him. Something about the boy makes my blood hot and my c**k jerk. “ You owe me nothing, Christian. " And I meant every word, If you ignore the obvious lust I feel for the boy, there is nothing in it for me. I hadn't realized we were already at the building until I heard Yusuf talk to the security guys. “You have an office here?” Christian asked, pleasantly surprised. “ I own the building," I shrugged. “ Wow!” His stunned expression with his mouth open and eyes darting around the basement as Yusuf found my parking spot was hilarious. He looked like a kid in a candy shop. Yusuf opened the door and I got out as Christian followed closely. I adjusted my suit, making sure my semi-erect c*ck is well hidden. “ This way…" I ushered in the elevator.
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