9: The Talk

1078 Words
CHRISTIAN After that kiss two nights ago, I somehow managed to limp my way out of his room in haste, and thankfully he didn’t come after me. I have been avoiding him since the incident by catching a cab and so far, I have managed successfully, but today I am not so lucky. I expected to find Yusuf and Ma in the kitchen when I came in for breakfast, so finding Alexander sitting on the kitchen counter stunned me momentarily. “Good morning Christian?” He greeted me with a self-satisfied smirk, as if he were daring me to escape. “ Morning Sir,” I answered smoothly, diverting my attention to Ma, who quickly kissed my cheek and handed over a cup of tea with a serving of bacon and omelette. I smiled at Yusuf and sat beside him with my sole attention on the food. I felt Alexander's stare on me, but didn't raise my head as their conversation passed over my head. Yusuf excused himself and that was my cue as I used him as a shield to dissipate attention from me and slipped out quickly, leaving half-eaten breakfast to Ma's annoyance. “Ride with us and save your money, Christian.” I heard Alexander say just as I was by the door. I nodded and stepped towards Yusuf, with our boss not far back. I opened back right and strapped in, dreading the ride. I haven’t been in close proximity with him since the kiss and outside work, I don't know how to behave. He has been extremely professional, giving nothing out, which makes it harder to initiate a conversation. Silence fell in the car, with Yusuf facing ahead, while Alexander typed away on his phone, and I was left staring at the road stiffly. By the time our car pulled in the parking lot, I was ready to bolt out. Unfortunately, the elevator was still descending and while we waited I couldn't keep silent anymore. “Are you mad at me?” He shot me a quick glance and faced forward again with no response. The tension was obvious and just when I thought I was ignored he spoke up, "I am sorry.” “For what?” I shot back quickly. “ A lot of things,” he replied just as the elevator pinged open. As the door closed, he turned and faced me fully with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. “ But not kissing you,” he added, eyeing my lips hungrily. “So you are not mad?” I questioned, wondering if I have been torturing myself for nothing. “Not mad…” He confirmed, tracing my cheeks with his fingers. “ … Perhaps a little disappointed, but not mad.” “I don't understand," “You ran off. " He shrugged, simply confusing me more. I thought he would elaborate, but conversation ceased between us and once again tension deepened. “ Come with me,” Alexander murmured when I made for my desk, which is just a few meters from his office. He held the door open for me and locked behind him before stalking towards me like a predator. “You have been avoiding me,” I took a step back and let out a nervous laugh, "Why?" He insisted, closing the distance between us. He held my chin, forcing me to stare at his beautiful eyes. “ You are my boss.” My words were hardly a whisper, but the way he tilted his head slightly told me he had heard me perfectly. “Is that all?" His voice deepened as he licked his lips. When I nodded, he let out a sigh of relief and pulled me against his chest tightly. He placed a kiss on my hair, and all strength fled from my body. I held on to him, rubbing my nose on the soft fabric of his jacket. “I want to ask you something and need the truth, Chris.” He whispered after a minute, stepping back and led us to the couch. “Do you like men?” I nodded. “Do you have a boyfriend,” I shook my head uneasily, lowering my gaze. “ Can I kiss you again?” I raised my head and studied his features. He looked just as eager, and I gave a nod, parting my lips in anticipation. Alexander smiled, placing a kiss on my forehead. “ Verbal consent Chris," he whispered leaning in, and I did better. I slowly licked his lips, gentle at first, testing his reaction, and when I didn't encounter any resistance I basked in it. I was acting like a starved man served with a buffet, and in a way I was because the delicious man squeezing and kneading my ass presently is more than my wildest dream come true. We pulled apart to grasp some air, and Alexander took that chance to position me on his lap. His fingers gently caressed my neck as he stared, intently. "So gorgeous…" He muttered, feeling my skin with his fingertips before covering my lips with his again. I couldn't think straight, not when that devious tongue explored my mouth greedily, taking as he wanted. I was completely under his mercy, and I didn't mind at all. At the back of my mind, I knew we had to stop before the whole thing escalated, but the sensation I was deriving from our kiss was too thrilling to pull away. “ s**t!” Alex muttered, pulling away to my dismay. I frowned at him quizzically, my frustration obvious, "I don't want to stop either…” He consoled, leaning his forehead to mine and rubbed our noses against each other, “but you are a temptation, Christian.” He breathed deeply, moving his hands to cup my face. His firm fingers caressed my cheeks as we stared at each with want. “I can easily accuse you of the same, mister…” I shot back, licking his lips and smiled sweetly at his stunned expression. “I am shameless around you, and I want to kiss you again…” I breathed, rubbing his chest, my fingers itching to undo his tie. Alex appeared to consider my words for a moment, with his eyes narrowed on me. I winked to lighten the moment and his lips stretched beautifully, rewarding me with a sexy smile. “ Come here,” he grunted playfully, closing his lips on mine.
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