15: Friends Day Out

1457 Words
CHRISTIAN We have got better at sneaking around and except for Yusuf, no one else suspects a thing. These last three months have been the happiest time of my life. Alex and I have got closer and our relationship or whatever we have going on is solid. Work-wise, we are a great duo. I have made a couple of friends besides Amy, and overall my life appears promising. I have been mailing some important documents to our possible investors as per Alex's command and the whole thing has taken about three hours, which makes my plans of going out with Ben and Amy almost impossible. It's almost six pm, and I am yet to finish my quota for the day. A notification popped up on my computer and I opened the email only to find out that Alex has assigned me more work. This past week we have been working tirelessly preparing for our impending trip to Uganda where his company is expanding. Normally, this busy schedule would have put me off, but like I have come to realize, Alex will only make you work late where necessary and there is always compensation for extra hours put in. “Hey!” I turned abruptly to look at Ben, who was rushing towards me, probably seeking me out for our planned after-work thing. "Not now,” I groaned, his exuberance not rhyming with my fried brain at the moment. I turned back to the email I was drafting and clicked send, letting Alex know I would be carrying some work home and by morning everything will be ready for his approval. “ We had plans,” Ben grumbled, taking a seat next to me and stared at the computer screen as I typed. “ I know,” I informed the very friendly fella, who I feel like strangling at times like this. The guy still has tremendous energy even after working the whole day, which makes me wonder how he manages. “ Hurry, please" I ignored his ass and hurriedly sorted through the pending emails and once satisfied with my work, I turned and grinned at him. “ Almost done,” “ I will be happy once we leave these premises. “ He shot back, eying my every move as I packed the laptop and other necessities I would need to get work done from the comfort of my bed later. I sent a brief message to Alex telling him I won't be hitching a ride home to avoid confusion. I was ready to let Ben drag me out, though I wish I could have turned down the invite this morning. Now it's too late to cancel, and I have been canceling a lot of late. We hailed a taxi once outside and sat through an awful thirty minutes of traffic before arriving at the lounge. Amy was already there smoking shisha with a bottle of corona in hand. “ Hey Chris,” she grinned, offering the pipe to me, and I gladly accepted. I went to pull out my chair and knocked over an empty bottle, which rolled and fell, breaking into pieces. We got a few stares after the smash, but luckily, there was housekeeping who cleaned it up quickly. I slumped sloppily on the only empty seat and sighed, “I need a drink.” “ Tired?” Amy asked, motioning the waiter. “ You have no idea,” I ordered myself a Midori sour and chilled water. As Ben placed his order, Amy turned to me, “How is the Uganda project coming along?” She had helped me days earlier with the hotel bookings and other traveling requirements I didn't have experience with. “They're still a lot pending…” “If you need help, we are here…” She offered readily, but Ben interjected, “I know nothing about his work, so I am useless.” “It's okay, the remaining part is classified anyway." I told them honestly. “We understand." Amy offered kindly. “But if you need any other help outside this project, don't hesitate to ask.” “I could use another Midori,” “Get it yourself,” Ben retorted. “And get me a beer while you are there,” he added, glancing around the crowded bar as if he were searching for someone. “ How is Eva?” I asked about his on and off girlfriend. “Still mad,” Ben whined, making Amy scoff, “we all know how this goes, you two will be back at it soon.” “Like you and Richard.” Ben pointed out, and suddenly an eerie atmosphere crept in. When he realized his mistake, Ben grabbed Amy's hand for a gentle squeeze. “Forget him, you deserve better. “ “I do," Amy admitted. “You do,” I assured, hating her situation. After a year together with Richard, she found out he was married with kids. She broke things off, but he wouldn't let her be. He kept coaxing her, begging to be taken back with promises of a near possible future. It has been six months and still no sign of Richard's divorce, and I am sure she is hurting. “ Why don't you two hook up?” Even in my own ears, I sounded outrageous. Amy and Ben would be a disaster. They are completely opposite of each other and with Ben's constant nagging, Amy would probably lose her mind. “ Eww no! " And “Hell no!” From both respectively. Their reactions were that of horror, like what I had suggested was an abomination. “ Point taken," I uttered, raising my hands in surrender as I smirked at Amy, who seemed close to ripping my head off. We decided to dance our troubles away and drank some more before heading home. I waved at the security guys on my way in and walked towards my chambers hastily. I had barely made it to the door when someone grabbed my hand and pulled my body against theirs, covering my mouth with their hand to probably prevent me from shouting. I could have screamed, but the arms that wrapped around my slim waist were all too familiar. When he turned me to face him, I noticed a different spark in his eyes as he narrowed them suspiciously on my face. I ignored his stare and simply laid my head on his chest and exhaled deeply. We stayed silent for a while, savoring the moment, until I broke the silence. “ It's late.” “ I wanted to ensure you got home safely.” He responded. My heart melted at his words. Maybe he has feelings for me too, my mind tried to convince me. I raised my head a little and smiled at him. He leaned down to give me a sweet kiss, which recharged every cell in my body, rushing blood to my shaft. I brought my hands around his neck and pulled him closer to me. The fact that we were kissing openly in front of his mansion with my mother sleeping just a few meters away was thrilling. My breath was ragged when we came up for air as he dragged me into the mansion. “Did you have fun tonight?” I didn’t know if it was a trick question, so I answered honestly. “I did, it was nice to chill out after work." “We could have done the same if you had asked…" He murmured, attacking my lips once more. “Mmhhh…” “That guy,” he continued, his lips hovering over mine. “Which guy?” I countered. “The one you left with,” he informed, dropping a tiny kiss on my nose. "Is he hitting on you?” I pulled back to have a good look at him, but his expression was well guarded, giving nothing off. “ Are you jealous?" I teased, stepping back into his arms. “ Why would I be? We are just having fun, Chris.” Ouch, I can't tell if it is his nonchalance or the fact that I had dared hope for more, but it hurt so f*cking much. I attempted to pry myself from his arms, but Alex learned and claimed my lips possessively, and apparently having a broken heart didn't have an effect on my c*ck for it hardened instantly as his touch ignited a thirst in me that only he could quench. We f*cked right there in his living room, but in my mind, I knew it wouldn't be the same again. I closed my eyes and savored the bliss, not bothering to do much as I let him work for both our releases.
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