13: Chase

764 Words
CHRISTIAN I was a panting mess by the time I got to the car. When I left Alex's office, I couldn't risk waiting for the elevator, since it was still on the first floor. I didn't want to risk him catching me in case he took the bait. He loves messing with me and I just wanted to pay him back. Even a little. I entered the car panting, undid my tie, and removed my jacket. Yusuf glanced at me curiously but only a 'quick hello Christian' escaped his lips. His cell rang and upon answering he glanced at me curiously. I confirmed he was talking to Alex when I heard him respond I was in the car. Ten minutes later, Alex appeared and had a quickly muffled conservation with Yusuf, who handed over the car keys and left. Alex took the driver's seat and looked at me through the rearview mirror with a naughty smirk on his face. “Buckle up baby,” he pulled out of the parking lot and sped through the streets like a damn ambulance. He was maneuvering his way through the traffic expertly, overtaking as he pleased, causing many to honk, but he didn't seem to mind. It's my first time seeing him drive, and it's hot. “Where are we going?” He ignored my question and took a sharp corner which had me darting from side to side as a weak scream escaped my lips. He slowed down and glared at me through the mirror and muttered, “Put the damn seat belt on, baby.” He was emitting this domineering aura, and it made me think that perhaps I pushed him too far. “I'm sorry,” He chuckled and turned his head slightly, “Don't be, we will both get what we want soon. Let me work for it.” He teased me and I let out a nervous laugh looking out through the window. It was a familiar street, just a few more corners, and we will be at parklands. “Ma will be worried,” I tried. “ I already called your mother, she thinks we are working late.” “What about Yusuf?” “He doesn't know my every move, relax.” “But…” “He thinks we have an important appointment out of town, so they are expecting us back tomorrow morning.” “Ooh…” “You better be prepared, I am horny as hell. " The hoe in me was thrilled by the latest developments. My c*ck hardened as my anticipation grew. I eyed him in the rearview and for a brief moment, our gaze held. “I didn't get a chance to shave this morning.” He uttered carelessly while looking at me briefly in the rearview. “Did you?” I was stunned for a moment. Of course, I shaved this morning. And some part of me expected him to do the same since he had hinted on preferring a shaven skin. “Come on, Chris, we are past shy. Don't you think so?” Alex laughed when I didn't answer his question, mistaking my disappointment for shyness. “ I shaved,” I muttered, “just disappointed you didn't.” He seemed taken back by my curt response. Slowing down, Alex turned, “I'm sorry, forgive me please.” Alex's half-glaring, half-asking asking expression is something beyond amusing. It's obvious he is uncomfortable, but he is trying to stomach it down for me. I smiled, making him tilt his head in an inquisitive manner followed by a huge smile with his eyes the brightest I had ever seen them. “You know what, Chris?” He asked after a short while, and before I could answer he went on, “I will f*ck you, nonetheless,” And he stepped on the gas. His words did things to me, and I couldn't stop myself from opening the zipper and freeing my needy c*ck. I started running my hand up and down on my c*ck, eyeing him occasionally through the mirror. Funny thing is, I have never behaved this wantonly before. But then with Alex, nothing is like before. I am discovering a part of me I hadn't shown anyone else, and couldn't be happier. “Do you like it?” I asked when Alex briefly glanced at me as we waited for the signals to change color. “ I love it,” he responded just as the queue opened. “But lose the pants, I need a better view. " And he kept driving, unfazed.
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