Chapter 34: What is he doing here?

1584 Words

~~Everything I know about love, I learned from you and everything I know about pain, I learned from you.   But the most important thing you ever gave me was the one that hurt the most. So thank you for the broken heart and thank you for the permanent scar, 'cause if it wasn't from you, I might forget how it feels to let go and how it feels to get a brand new start...~~~ -J Rice- ~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~~ "Good morning, mommy." I opened my eyes only to see my daughter who had the brightest smile on her face. "Good morning." I got up and kissed her on the cheeks. I also checked the time from the mango-shaped wall clock that's hanging above the television set and I couldn't help but sigh and smile at the same time. It's only 7:30 am... San Francisco time. My mom told Jack and

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