Chapter 61: Let her go

1708 Words

~~~I can tell her my troubles, she makes them all seem right. I can make up excuses not to hold her at night. We can talk of tomorrow, I'll tell her the things that I want to do. How can I tell her I don't miss her whenever I'm away? How can I tell it's you I think of every single night and day? But when is it easy telling someone we're through? Everything seems right whenever I'm with you~~~ -Lobo- ~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~ Luke's POV: I was busy analyzing the report that just came from the marketing department when my secretary buzzed the intercom. "Sir, your mom had just called." My eyebrows creased in confusion. "My mom as in my mother?" I asked as I wasn't sure if it was my mother or my mother-in-law. "Yes, Sir, your mother, Mrs Lilian Williams. "Okay, why did she call

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