6: Paired With The Bad Boy

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CHLOE The sound reverberated through the room and for a minute, there was a total, shell-shocked silence, one that was only punctuated by my ragged breathing and the total stillness that was Kyle King. His head remained jerked to where the slap had turned it to and I saw what looked like the clenching and unclenching of his jaws before he slowly turned towards me again and there was that slight smile on his lips. But nothing was amusing about it, it was dark and full of sinister promises. “You don’t get to touch and treat me...” the words got caught up in my throat when his hand suddenly wrapped around my throat, cutting off my airflow till stars dotted my eyes, till I was wheezing, and running out of air. He kept it there, practically killing me, eyes lifeless and devoid of any emotions. He was unhinged, feral, and predatory. I've never seen him like this before and I know I must have poked something, I must have triggered this beast that looked like he was going to swallow me whole. When I couldn't handle it anymore, I started clawing at the strong hand wrapped around my neck and that was when he let me go, when he released my neck a little, but his hand still remained there, loosely wrapped around it and showing me that he could apply pressure any time he wants. “Now, I like you better like this,” he leaned closer so he was whispering close to my ears, “if you're not screaming and moaning in ecstasy, then I suggest you remain this quiet and docile.” I said nothing, just continued to stare at him with unbridled raging hatred. “You don't get to slap me, President,” his thumb had started to move lightly on my neck, leaving an electrifying sensation in their wake and my body betraying me again in this game that I had no idea what it was. “Especially after you just shattered so loudly on my fingers,” he continued and I swallowed, and from the sly grin that tugged at the corners of his lips, I knew he noticed, “and when I can still taste you on my tongue.” “f**k you,” I gritted out, my anger at his audacity and at my body overriding the threat wrapper around my neck. “Oh, of course,” he murmured, his voice a silk whisper against my skin, “we'll get to that but first,” he tucked a strand of air behind my ear, “we'll need to see to the type of punishment you deserve for slapping me, hmm?” I was about to call his bluff when... “Chloe, are you there? I've been looking all over for you.” My best friend’s voice sounded so close and I started panicking in a desperate urge to push Kyle off me and lose him and I had no idea what kind of explanation I was going to give if she should meet us in this kind of compromising position but Kyle wasn't even bothered. He took his sweet time letting me go and not before stroking my neckline and whispering into my ears again; “See you around, President.” Then he was gone. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. “Ohh, there you are,” Dera’s beaming face popped in at the beginning of the row, “I've been looking all over for you.” She started walking towards me and I had to quickly gather myself, push myself off the shelf I was leaning against, and made to start walking so I’d meet her halfway but on taking the first step, my legs still felt like jelly and I almost sank to the floor. God! “Are you okay?” “Yeah, sure,” I forced my legs to move and forced a smile on my face, “I was just leaving.” “Okay,” she wrapped her hands around my elbow and we started to walk together, “we can stop over at Sweet Sensation to eat dinner, it's my treat and you're welcome,” she faked a bow and I couldn't help the hearty laughter that spilled out of me. Yeah, this was it. The life I was used to, the balance I was used to, not the one, one deranged resident bad boy war trying to impose on me. All through the dinner, I pushed all the thoughts of Kyle King to the furthest part of my mind and I got lost in Dera telling me about what happened at their after-school Dance Practice. I stole to the comfort of my room when I got back home and no matter how hard the thoughts of Kyle King threatened and wanted to take over my mind, how the subconscious part of my mind wanted to relive and dance in the ecstasy of how his fingers had completely worked my body and mind to that pinnacle of pleasure, I refused to let that happen. And no matter how much that bastard pushed me, nothing was going to happen between us again. Absolutely nothing. “So this program aims to pair the responsible and Aplus students with the not-so-serious ones because we hope that the relationship between them will have a positive impact on the unserious students after all the motto of Empire High is to raise and nurture role models.” What the school Principal was saying was new. I've never heard that Empire was going to include something like this in our curriculum. Fine, I've overheard some conversations in the teachers’ office about some new development but they've been so tight-lipped about it so I never thought it’d be something like this. It was a good idea even though I was sure that some students were past redemption. “And for you all to take this seriously, the outcome of your session and friendship with whoever you get paired with will affect your grades at the end of the academic year...” That made me sit up straighter. It was going to affect our grades? My palm was suddenly clammy. “Yeah, it will and this Project is a whole 10% so give it your all and do your best to positively impact whoever you end up getting paired with. Now, you can all return to your classes. The pairing list will be posted before the end of the day.” We all filed back to our different classes and most of the students were excited about the project but not me. I was more anxious than excited because 10% was a lot, it was going to affect a lot of things so I knew I had to give it my best and score that 10%. Throughout the day, the only thought that was in my head was the students I could possibly end up getting paired with but I couldn't think of anyone. The teachers’ assistants finally pasted the list before the end of the school hours and a picture of it was sent to our class group. I opened it with shaking hands, searching for my name but I didn't need to search that much. My name was the first name and sitting beside it was the name of the one person I'd rather eat sand than work with. Kyle King.
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