CHAPTER 6: The Egoist.

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At the commencement of the battle, the Dangga cast the spell of doubt and truth, trapping Illumi and the members of White Maidens beneath the twisted depths of their desires. A mysterious mirror arose, reflecting their souls’ deepest longings. Putting them in the mirror. Cristina found herself in a world where the weight of leadership had been removed off her shoulders in the depths of the delusion. The weight of responsibilities diminished like morning mist, freeing her to roam freely among life’s delights. Her days were filled with laughter, joyful excursions, and the sheer pleasure of being alive in this envisioned world. The stresses that had carved lines on her face were smoothed away, and she smiled brightly. Even in the middle of her seeming happiness, a subtle aching persisted in her heart—a yearning for purpose, for the difficulties that had characterized her life as the captain of White Maidens. Joy, the unwavering healer, lived in a world where her abilities as a dental surgeon were admired by everybody. She was standing in a sophisticated clinic, surrounded by praises and appreciative patients. Her hands worked gracefully and precisely, repairing smiles and changing lives. Gratitude permeated the air, and Lei reveled in the knowledge that her abilities had brought joy to numerous people. Despite her triumph, a shadow flickered in her eyes, a quiet reminder of the wars she had battled with her guild. The other members of the White Maidens Guild were ensnared in illusions tailored to their deepest desires. Some found themselves in worlds where adventure knew no bounds, where danger was but a thrilling challenge to be overcome. Others experienced lives of quiet contentment, far away from the clash of swords and the heat of battle. Each illusion was a testament to their aspirations, drawing them deeper into the Dangga’s web of deceit. Khione, the ice-wielder, found solace in a vision of domestic bliss. He stood beside Coleen, their child between them, a beacon of happiness and hope. But even in this idyllic scene, a shadow loomed—the memory of a child lost to the merciless grip of the first dungeon break, a wound that could never truly heal. His desire was simple: to be with Coleen forever, as he is scared to lose her. In the heart of the illusion, as the members of White Maidens and Illumi struggled against the beguiling visions, a sudden sound pierced the air—a sharp, echoing c***k that reverberated through the chamber. Kien, the silent but perceptive member of the group, had taken swift action. With unerring aim, he shot a bullet straight into the heart of the mystic mirror. The mirror quivered, its surface distorting as if in pain, before shattering into countless shards. Each shard glimmered briefly before fading away, carrying with it the remnants of the alluring illusions. The spell was broken, dispelled by Kien’s decisive shot from a far. In the wake of the mirror’s destruction, a collective gasp of realization swept through the room. The members of White Maidens and Illumi found themselves freed from the clutches of the Dangga’s enchantment. Their eyes, once clouded by illusions, now sparkled with newfound clarity and determination. Kien, his rifle still drawn, lowered his weapon and met the gazes of his comrades. In that moment, his silent action spoke volumes. It was a part of Illumi’s plan all a long, they both planned that right distance. As Illumi knows the potential skill of Dangga. Kien’s bullet had not just shattered a mirror; it had shattered the illusion that had threatened to consume their souls. In the echoes of that moment, the members of White Maidens and Illumi stood confidently, with their spirits unyielding. The Dangga, his façade of invincibility shattered along with his mirror, stared in disbelief at the resolute warriors before him. The battle had taken a decisive turn—a turn brought about by the keen eyes and steady hands of a silent hero. In the heart of the battle, Khione, the ice-wielder, found himself locked in a fierce struggle with the Dangga. His icy blade clashed with the Dangga’s mirror sword, each strike sending sparks of digital energy into the air. Khione, fueled by his determination and skill, gained the upper hand, his blows landing with precision and force. The Dangga, frustrated by his dwindling illusions and Khione’s relentless assault, grew increasingly desperate. His once-smooth movements became erratic, his strikes lacking the finesse they once possessed. Khione capitalized on Dangga’s frustration, anticipating his every move and countering with calculated precision. The Dangga, once a picture of arrogance and poise, found himself increasingly cornered and desperate. His illusions had failed him, his mirror sword shattered, and now his once-indomitable confidence wavered under Khione’s relentless assault. Frustration etched deep lines on his face, his eyes wild with a mix of anger and helplessness. With a swift maneuver, Khione disarmed the Dangga, sending his mirror sword clattering to the ground. The Dangga stumbled, his once-majestic aura diminished to a mere flicker in the face of Khione’s unwavering resolve. The room seemed to reverberate with the clash of their wills, the battle unfolding not just in physical strikes but in the clash of ideals and determination. “You underestimated my skills,” Khione proclaimed, his voice cutting through the tension. “My knowledge in this Tower lies not in illusions but in the experience I have when I play this game. You cannot break me with your deceit.” The Dangga, his frustration boiling over, let out a roar of rage. He lunged at Khione, his movements erratic and uncoordinated. But Khione, composed and focused, deftly dodged the attack, countering with a swift blow that sent the Dangga sprawling to the ground. Defeated and humiliated, the Dangga struggled to rise, his once-imposing demeanor reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. Around him, the members of White Maidens and Illumi stood tall, their gazes unwavering. They had faced the Dangga’s illusions and emerged victorious, their unity unbroken. With a final, defiant glare, the Dangga conceded defeat. He slithered away, further into the darkness from where he had emerged. The chamber, which had previously been filled with the strain of combat, now oozed success and relief. Khione turned to face his teammates, his sword still in hand, a small grin on his lips. “Let’s find the key,” he remarked, his voice authoritative. With defeat looming over him, the Dangga, his once-mighty aura diminished, raised his hands in surrender. “”You may have won this fight,” he muttered, his voice angry, “but triumph always comes with a consequence.” The Dangga leapt at Cristina, capturing her and held her at knifepoint in an unexpected maneuver. His eyes glinted with a desperate madness, knowing that he had one final card to play. “Back off, or she pays the price,” he spat, his voice echoing through the chamber. The room fell into a tense silence. Khione, his triumph tempered by concern, slowly lowered his weapon, his eyes never leaving Cristina. The other members of White Maidens and Illumi exchanged wary glances, their hands hovering over their weapons. The Dangga smirked as his grasp on Cristina tightened. “This battle might be done for me, but I guarantee you, the war is far from over. Free me, and she lives to see another day. Resist, and she becomes the victim of your victory.” Cristina, though held captive, met the Dangga’s gaze with defiance, her eyes flashing with a menacing look. She’s annoyed for the situation. In the face of this dire situation, the room seemed to hang on the precipice of a decision. The fate of Cristina, and the outcome of this battle, now rested on the choices made by the mebers of White Maidens Guild. Khione sprang forward with a swiftly silent, cold sword glimmering in the faint light of the room. His blade hit its target in an instant, slashing through the air and cutting the Dangga’s throat. As he let go of Cristina, Khione grabbed her and dashed back, the Dangga’s eyes widened in astonishment and anguish, tumbling to the ground, gasping for oxygen. Cristina slipped back, her breath seizing in her throat as she broke free from her captor’s grip. Khione, his eyes steely with annoyance, stood tall, his sword stained with the Dangga’s blood. The room fell into a stunned silence, broken only by the desperate gasps of the defeated Dangga. “It’s over,” Khione declared, his voice firm. “No one threatens anyone and lives to boast of it.” The other members of White Maidens stood in awe of Khione’s swift and decisive action. The threat had been reduced, but the room was still tense. The war had reached its conclusion, and the outcome was inevitable. In the aftermath of the conflict, the members of White Maidens Guild and Khione gathered around Cristina, their expressions a mix of relief and admiration. Khione’s bravery had saved their captain and dealt a final blow to the Dangga’s ambitions. With the threat eliminated. The room began to return to a state of equilibrium The realm around them appeared to recognize their win, the mood transforming from terror to triumph. Harold who has been watching all along found the key and surrendered it to Khione.
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