CHAPTER 3: The Battle, The Captain and The Cloak.

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Khione, his tribal mask a mystery, struck Arimaonga with a ferocity that sent a chill through the frozen air, encasing half of the Harimodon in a glacial prison. “Justin, this is my best assistance for your captain,” the enigmatic figure Khione said to Justin, Vice Captain of the Six Moon Guild, his voice resonating with unwavering resolve. Justin, who is well-known for his archery abilities, nodded in agreement. “I will temporarily seal the gate; come to to your companions; prepare for the impending onslaught,” Khione said, a command etched with determination in the air. Bry’s fatigue disappeared as he caught sight of his long-lost mate. Kien extended a bullet in a show of friendship, while Patrick and Ali lay unconscious, bleeding from combat wounds. Harold stared at Khione with wonder, murmuring, “You’re real!” Khione rushed quickly, quietly assisting the fallen, his moves intentional. “Prepare an aid station,” he told Harold and his companions. “Seek help from other guilds. Time is short; hasten your efforts.” Khione approached Ric, seeking his advice. “I need your skills. Create a protective barrier around the wounded,” Khione said flatly. Ric, sensing the danger, directed his guild members to follow the strange hero’s directions. Khione returned to Bry and the guild members, preparing to remove them to safety. But Arimaonga, the terrible foe, retaliated. “Is this the hero they speak of?” hissed Arimaonga, trying an assault. Khione skilfully intercepted the onslaught with the Kampilan, instantly freezing Arimaonga’s paw. The beast retreated, keeping a cautious distance. As he gazed at Khione, Arimaonga hissed, his eyes narrowing with rage. “Do you believe mere human beings can defeat a celestial?”” He yelled as he launched another strike. The clash of metal rang through the air as Khione danced exquisitely, parrying every stroke with his Kampilan. With each clash, ice shards flew, forming a dazzling, perilous dance around them. Arimaonga surged forward, his enormous claws aimed for Khione’s throat. He sidestepped the lethal stroke, then responded with a tremendous swipe of his sword. Arimaonga had to lunge back to avoid the hit as the sword slashed through the frigid air. Their fight went on, each move determined and impeccable. Arimaonga used physical strength to try to overcome Khione, who used quickness and grace to dance around him like a tiny gust of wind. The collision of their energies rang across the area, sending tremors through the ground. Khione’s eyes glowed with resolve as he noticed a gap in Arimaonga’s defense. He leapt forward, his blade gleaming in the sunshine, his aim set for his heart. Arimaonga just raised his paw in time, diverting the blow but leaving a nasty cut on his arm. As Arimaonga laughed in pain and fury, blood blended with frost. He returned in a rage, but Khione remained firm, his movements flowing and controlled. He wore him down with each stroke, chipping away at his barriers. Arimaonga’s eyes darted with desperation in the middle of the commotion. He was losing ground, his strikes getting sluggish in the face of Khione’s persistent assault. But he refused to give up, using his last reserves of strength. Their fight came to a halt for a brief while as Arimaonga and Khione took a step back, both fighters regaining their breath. Despite the fierce nature of their fight, neither was eager to admit defeat. Their gazes met in a mutual recognition of one other’s power and tenacity. “Impressive, Khione,” Arimaonga said with a low growl, his fur bristling with force. You are a powerful foe, but the battle is far from done. Khione nodded, his face resolute. “Likewise, Arimaonga. I expected nothing less from the beast master. But know that I will not rest until the threat you pose is eliminated.” They prepared for the next round of their great battle with a common feeling of respect. The conflict between the daring hero and the powerful beast would rage on, resonating through the centuries as a tribute to their unflinching resolve and unbreakable tenacity. Khione was about to make his next move when a black orb hit him from behind. He turned to see a shrouded man, a Manggaway, carrying a tree branch-shaped stick. The ancient witch, a powerful spellcaster, wielded extraordinary power, rivaling even the Babaylan. The Manggaway’s strike rendered him paralyzed. The Harimodon was ordered to retire to Biringan City by the Manggaway. She punished Arimaonga, who slink away like a chastised puppy, transforming into a weird hybrid shape before disappearing. Arimaonga’s resounding remark lingered: “YOUR MOON, I WANT THAT, AND SOON I’LL EAT THAT.” When the creatures left, the Manggaway lifted Khione’s curse. As a result, the third conflict came to an end. Khione commanded the guild members to gather the wounded and transport them to a healing refuge. He ran back to the others, his resolve steadfast with every stride. Bry awakened three days later, his eyelids fluttering open to new surroundings. Alyana, his wife, sat beside him. The other SF-Zero members are still asleep and laying in bed. “Is he still here?” Bry questioned about Khione, his voice concerned. “Don’t worry, he’s with Harold in the Headquarters,” Alyana reassuring him. Meanwhile, Khione and Harold were having a quiet conversation in the Headquarters concerning Khione’s inexplicable disappearance throughout the years. Khione expressed a wish to cherish his time with Coleen. Khione extended his gratitude to Harold for saving Coleen from the clutches of death during the First Calamities. Illumi, too, expressed his gratitude, recognizing Harold’s critical role in Coleen’s recuperation. Harold explained that he had saved Coleen by utilizing his Ultimate abilities, which he could only use under a full moon. Harold explained that they assisted him because of his sword. They thought his weapon had the uncanny capacity to breach the Bakunawa’s unbreakable skin. Illumi’s gaze softened as he watched Coleen from afar. The guild members were excited the next day as they hurried to the doors, hoping to meet with their long-lost Captain after months of uncertainty. Alli and Kien hugged through tears of excitement, as Patrick approached Harold, his desire to know peaked. Bry stood still, watching the situation come together. Alyana approached Coleen for a heartfelt conversation. Harold promptly turned to Khione, offering him permission to remove his mask, confident in the knowledge that his identity had been revealed. Khione took off his mask, exposing an appealing face beneath. Illumi, too, had grown taller and his physique had developed. The scene in front of them fascinated the guild members. The guys of SF-Zero continue celebrating, their spirits raised. While Bry, Kien, and Illumi were talking, Alli and Patrick, overcome with emotion, burst into tears of delight. Harold had already returned home to his wife, where he found comfort in her embrace. Bry took a step back, looking for a breath of fresh air on the balcony. Illumi spotted him and followed him, the conversation quiet. Bry’s delight lit up his face as they returned. “Illumi will be a part of the team again!” he said. A massive orb shot out of nowhere, speeding toward the building. Bry responded quickly, deflecting the attack with his shield. Illumi took a protective posture, protecting Coleen from danger. When the black energy-infused sphere collided with Bry’s shield, it exploded, sending shockwaves across the air. The entire headquarters trembled, jolting others out of their relaxation. They took defensive postures in an instant, their eyes scouring for signs of an impending attack. Illumi stood guard over Coleen in the middle of the tumult, his resolve unshakeable. “Stay behind me, Coleen,” he instructed firmly. Bry, too, was prepared, his shield emitting a protective aura. A menacing person clothed In murky garments emerged from the ruins of the black orb. A cloak thrown over its figure, it stood in the shadows. The girl in the cloak stepped forward, her silhouette obscured by the darkness surrounding her. “Impressive,” she said, her voice echoing with an air of mystery. “You have proven your worth, Khione of SF-Zero.” Bry narrowed his eyes, his grip tightening on his shield. “Who are you, and what do you want?” The cloaked figure chuckled softly. “I am known as Eris, and I have been watching you. Your Father gave me permission to test you, and for that, I commend you. But I have no intention of harming you or your friends. Well at least for now.” Illumi remained vigilant, his eyes locked onto Eris. “Why did you attack us if you mean no harm?” Eris sighed, her tone carrying a hint of joyfulness. “I needed to see your strength, to assess whether you were the son of Ifrid. He’s my master and your father.” Coleen, peeking out from behind Illumi, Eris saw her and glared at her. Eris felt something about Coleen but didn’t mind it. Eris looked at Illumi and said “For now all I can offer you is knowledge about your father Illumi.” Bry exchanged a glance with Illumi before stepping forward. “We appreciate your offer, Eris, but trust is earned. If you truly want to help us, prove your intentions.” Eris smiled beneath her cloak. “Very well, Guardian of Earth. I shall leave, but if you ever seek my assistance, you can find me at the tower when you truly needed my help I shall come at your call.” With that, Eris melted into the shadows, leaving the SF-Zero headquarters in silence. The team exchanged uncertain glances. Days turned into weeks, and the memory of Eris lingered in the minds of the Guardians.
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