Blood of Fae

Blood of Fae

another world

Half Blood Brighid has found herself stuck in a world of dragons. Using her magic to save herself caused more trouble than she had foreseen. Now she is bond to a mate she never would have imagined. Will they be each other's demise, or could some sort of understanding come from the magic at hand?

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Goddess Knows
"Do you really think this will be my undoing? What a coward your master is to send an army of Witches after me." Keeping my mouth shut and my head down wasn't that my new motto? So much for turning over a new leaf. Breath Brighid keep your wits about you. How was I dumb enough to allow these witches to get me in the middle of a circle to begin with? "We call thee fourth for the binding of this witch. On this day of Mabon we ask of thee to set us free. No more magic shall she cast make tonight be her last." Lowering myself and leaning over, allowing my hands to touch the Earth as their chanting becomes unified and I feel the sparks in the air come alive. I only have one shot at this and it's gonna take everything in me to do it right. Closing my eyes and picturing the 6'2 male behind the circle in my mind's eye. His hair was blond and came down to his eyes. His eyes were sh*t what color were they ? Lifting my head long enough to look, thankfully his ocean eyes were still on me. Once more, I closed my eyes to see him in my mind's eyes. 'I call you to me, Aine to bind my soul to another. To make this man my fated lover. Make our souls become one, our lives now inner twined til the very end of time. Hear my plea and deliver me." The sound of crackling has everyone stilled and silence has taken over. There is no noise now but the fire burning above our heads on one single tree limb. I allow the breath I have been holding in to come out swiftly. Upon raising my head, I notice that the man is now on his knees in a similar position to my own. 'Thank the Goddess Aine it worked' "What have you done, Brighid?" Ethal roars at me from her place in the circle. "Why are you so sure she has done something?" Another man I do not know steps closer and I now see there are at least five men outside the circle. None look the same. Each has features all their own. None had noticed their comrade on his knees yet. I watch as he slowly rises from the leafy forest floor. Ethal turns to the man behind her and gestures with her hand to my target. "Is it normal for dragons to fall on their knees when witches cast? I thought for the most part you were unaffected by magic?" Dragons did she say dragons? Surely not. The goddess wouldn't allow a deity to be forced into having a mate. Would she? Sacralige I just forced a higher being to be my mate. Oh, if I wasn't an evil spawn before, I most certainly would be now. Goddess help me. Standing up and dusting off my cloak and dress is only halfway done before I feel the hands upon me, holding my arms rather tightly. I looked up into ocean eyes, and a confused gaze. “ Why do I all of a sudden have this need to be close to you lass?’ Before I could answer, the man from before stepped forward. “Ler have you gone deaf? We aren’t allowed to kill the little witch.” "Oh he won't be killing her now Finn." Ethal sighs and shakes her head. From my peripheral view, I watch as the coven slowly follows Ethal's lead. Departing the same way they had originally chased me here in the first place. In front of me the ocean eyes changed into a golden hue. Ler begins to sniff the air and I can only assume that his dragon has pushed itself forward to assess me. I force myself to stand still and keep my head healed high. "Where are you going, witches? Our job here is not finished?" Finn hadn't caught on, it would seem. "You smell of basil and frankincense little witch." Ler leaned forward as if he couldn't get enough of the aroma. Ethal's footsteps stopped briefly. "She is now Ler's mate. There is nothing more we can do here. They are now one. No one can break this magic but the one who granted it. I suggest you find out which goddess came to her aide. Only that goddess can help you now. Clever little witch may the goddess be with you." A sign of respect from Ethal, a cleaver trick indeed on my part. Only now here I stand alone in the middle of the woods with 5 dragons who are all a little too close for comfort. No one speaks. And while Ler has loosened his grip, he has not released me from his grasp. Well, someone has to break this awkward silence. "Brighid my name is Brighid not little witch." "Your name is trouble and now we are all going to have to explain how we failed." Finn scratched his head. "Although I suppose she is yours to do with how you see fit Ler. What do you need of us, Brother?" "You're my mate little witch. We shall see how my dragon feels about this in the morning. For now brothers go home and rest. We have all had an adventure today." A shiver runs down my spine as not once has Ler taken his eyes off me. They swirl back and forth from the ocean to the gold. Feeling more like prey the longer they linger upon me. Goddess which fate would have been worse.

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