Chapter 72

1531 Words

Bruno's POV ''Tell me you got a location,'' I let out, asking as I turned to look at Santiago. '' Trust... I always do,'' Santiago answered, with a smirk, and I nodded, breathing out a sigh of relief. When I got the call from an unknown number, I didn't know what to expect. I thought it was Karl trying to play tricks on me, but when I heard her voice, it felt like my whole world just stood still. I begged her to tell me where she was. She was about to say something when I suddenly heard Karl's voice and the line soon went off. But thankfully, Santiago tracked the call. '' What are we waiting for? We have a location. Let's go and get her,'' Santiago said, as he got up, gearing up with his gun. '' No brother, you are not coming with me, I want to do this on my own,'' I let out and

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