Chapter 76

1500 Words

Cora's POV My heart was racing so profusely, my hands were shaking, and I didn't know what I had done until it was too late, Bruno was looking at me with surprise in his eyes because even he couldn't believe what I had done. '' No... No, what have I done,'' I screamed to myself as I looked over at Karl in the pool of his blood '' Is he died...'' I asked breathlessly. '' I doubt if he would survive so many bullets,'' Bruno answered. '' Please check, I didn't mean to, I don't know what came over me,'' I let out as tears rolled down my eyes. Bruno went over to check, Karl's body, and soon Bruno looked back at me shaking his head. '' I am sorry, he is gone,'' Bruno said confirming to me what I feared the most and soon I busted out crying even more. '' I am not a killer Bruno,

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