Chapter 70

1105 Words

Bruno's POV I spent the next few days being a shadow of myself. I couldn't eat nor could I sleep, as the thought of Cora kept me up every night. I started tracking and following Karl just to see if Cora would show up on my radar but she never did. It felt like she had disappeared into thin air and each day that passed by without a word from her, or knowing that she was okay, I got even more worried. It was like she had been kidnapped all over again, but this time she was the one that willingly left, and I had the fact that she was making me go through this all over again. '' Bruno,'' One of my men called out to me and I quickly turned around looking at him. '' Do you have any news about the boss's daughter,'' I asked, as I had sent him and a few other men to go and look for her. '

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