Chapter 74

1538 Words

Bruno's POV I became one with my darkness, as I wallowed in the chaotic but yet peaceful aura embodied here, but in the midst of it all, even though the darkness begged me to stay, I knew I shouldn't be here because the thing I wanted most in my life was not with me in this darkness. So I tried getting out, but the darkness held me strongly in its arms, not wanting to let me go, but I kept on trying, knowing that I didn't want to be in this place, that she wasn't there. And suddenly I saw it, a glimpse of light. So, with so much tenacity, I held on to the light so the darkness had no choice but to let me go. I slowly opened my eyes to the light, blinking profusely, as I tried to get comfortable in my new-found light, but the heaviness and aches I felt at the back of my head was so pro

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