2| Ian Romano

1142 Words
Chanel's P.O.V To say I was shocked by his actions was an understatement. I haven't seen a guy that compliments a girl, blushes, shutters, and then runs away. But to be honest, the way he acted was really cute. I don't think I have had an effect on someone this much before, or was everything I saw all in my head?  I decided to forget about what just happened, I will likely not see him again after today, because there are a lot of people in this school.  The bell rang in time as I left my locker, and I didn't know where my first class, Chemistry was. I would have asked the pretty boy in glasses where chemistry class was, if I hadn't scared him off.  I was lost already, and didn't know where I was going again. "Are you lost, babe?"  Someone said beside me, and I jumped scared. "What the hell?" I looked to my side and saw a guy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes staring at me. "Who the hell are you? You scared the s**t out of me, boy." "I am sorry, I didn't mean to." He said and gave me a small smile. He was really good looking though. "It's whatever, and I am not your babe." I said giving him a pointed look. "Well, you look like one, new girl." He said with a wink. He has got to be kidding me. "If you aren't going to help me get to my new class, then please do me a favor and f**k off." "We got a sassy one here. What is your first class and what grade are you in?" "I am in grade eleven, and I have chemistry." I said. "Lucky for you, we are in the same class, and I have chemistry too. Just follow me m'lady." He said bowing, and I couldn't help but laugh. He isn't all that bad though. I followed him until we reached a class. I don't know why I was nervous, maybe because I was going to meet my new classmates for the first time. The blue eyed boy opened the door, and we both entered. "Good morning, Mrs K." He said to the woman in a messy bun, standing in front of the class. Everyone that was in class turned to look at the blue eyed boy and me. This is so embarrassing.  "Morning to you too, Israel. And who do we have here? New student?" The woman, Mrs K asked looking at me, and I nodded. "Please introduce yourself, tell us where you are coming from, and tell us something about yourself." Really? Teachers do this here? "I am Chanel Evans, I came from New York, I love listening to music, reading novels and watching movies." I said avoiding eye contact with everyone. "That's good, Chanel. You can have a seat with Anderson." Mrs K said. "Anderson, who?" I asked confused. "That's also me, Chanel." Israel said. I nodded, followed him to his seat, and sat beside him.  I couldn't help but notice the boy that ran away from me, sitting at the other end of the class. I thought I wasn't going to see him again, I guess I was wrong then. It's not like we would be talking to each other though. Immediately he noticed I caught him staring at me, he diverted his gaze from me to the front of the class. Am I scary, or was something wrong with my hair today? I need to go to the restroom after class. "So since today is the first class in this new semester, we would start with introduction to organic chemistry..." Mrs K began as she wrote something on the board. *** It was time for lunch and this was the time I was waiting for, because I was really hungry. I went to the restroom first to check if anything was wrong with my appearance, but I was totally fine. When I entered the cafeteria, there were a lot of students there already. I waited on the line until it was turn and I got myself six piece of hot wings, large fries and a coke. I mean, who doesn't like fries. I carried my tray and looked around for empty seats but I didn't find one. I only saw a table and a guy sitting on one of the chairs around it.  Wasn't that the guy from earlier again? I still didn't know his name though. I contemplated whether I should go and sit with him, or I should just look for somewhere else to sit. But I thought I could make a friend, and decided to go sit with him. I went to the table and dropped my tray there. "Hi, do you mind if I seat here?" The guy looked up from his phone and stared at me through his glasses. This time he wasn't wearing his beanie and his brown hair was in display. "You!" He whispered looking at me surprised. "Yes, me." I said and sat down beside him. He shifted a little from me, and I frowned. "Are you scared of me?" He looked at me and shook his head a little. "So why did you run away this morning?" "I...um...I don't know." He was blushing again. He is so cute, and I wanted to pinch his cheeks. He wasn't wearing all those ugly dark rimmed glasses that some people wear, that make them look weird.  He looked like all those hot Italian CEO's in glasses. I didn't know whether he was wearing them for fashion, or it was recommended. He still looked good anyway. "Was it because you were embarrassed?" I asked teasingly. "Why are you here?" He asked frowning.  "What do you mean why am I here?" I asked and kept three fries in my mouth. "If you are here because you think I am lonely and don't have friends..." "Of course not, that's not why I am here. I just thought I could make a new friend." I said and sipped from my drink. "Oh..." He said, and looked away with a small smile on his face. Cute. "So, what's your name? I am Chanel Evans." I said trying to make small talk. "I know. I am Ian Romano." He said and kept on eating his burger. His voice was deep and husky, and that made him ten times hotter. "Where are you from?" I asked, he was giving me this Italian, Spanish vibe.  "Italy." Ladies and gentleman, that's how I choked on my chicken. Did he just say Italy? "Are you okay?" He asked looking at me with wide eyes.  "I...I am fine." I coughed some more and drank the water he offered me. "Thanks." I said after I stopped coughing. Till I tell you I am sucker for handsome Italian men? They were the sexiest men alive, and I have always wanted to meet one. But I have one right beside me, looking at me. "You are Italian?" "Yes. My parents are both Italians." Full breed Italian! I think I am going to melt on this chair.
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