3 -"Bound by Duty"

1624 Words
As Xander stepped through the threshold of his playroom, he was immediately hit by a scent so unique, so intoxicating, that it sent a jolt of electricity coursing through his veins. It was warm and arousing, like the scent of freshly bloomed roses mixed with the earthy musk of a summer rain. It wrapped around him like a seductive embrace, stirring something deep within him that he had never felt before. A low, primal growl rumbled from deep within Xander's chest as his eyes dilated, pools of darkness overtaking the vibrant blue of his irises. His wolf surged to the surface, its presence overwhelming as it clawed at the edges of his consciousness, hungry and eager for release. With a snarl, Xander moved with lightning speed, crossing the room in a blur of motion. The omega girl, caught off guard by his sudden aggression, barely had time to react before he had her pinned against the wall, his strong hand closing around her throat with a vice-like grip. "Mate," Xander's voice reverberated through the room, deep and guttural, as he spoke the word in the primal tongue of the wolves. The tingling sensation of the mate bond only fueled his rage, a reminder of the responsibility and burden that came with claiming a mate. But Xander wasn't ready for this. Not now, not when his pack was teetering on the edge of chaos, not when trouble loomed on the horizon like a storm gathering in the distance. He couldn't afford the distraction, the vulnerability that came with having a mate. His fingers tightened around the omega girl's throat, ignoring the gasp of air she struggled to inhale as he exerted his dominance over her. But as the seconds ticked by, he realized with a sinking feeling that something was wrong. She made no move to fight back, no attempt to free herself from his grasp. Panic surged through Xander's veins as he loosened his grip, his heart pounding in his chest with a mixture of fear and confusion. Had he gone too far? Had he accidentally harmed her in his blind rage? With trembling hands, Xander lowered the limp form of the omega girl to the ground, his chest heaving with the effort of controlling his emotions. Guilt clawed at him, threatening to consume him as he gazed down at her unconscious form, the weight of his actions heavy on his conscience. But even as he struggled to make sense of what had just transpired, a nagging voice in the back of his mind whispered a chilling truth. This was only the beginning. And whatever lay ahead, Xander knew that he would have to face it alone, with no mate by his side to share the burden of his destiny. Xander's hands trembled slightly as he listened to the faint sounds of the omega girl's breathing, relief flooding through him as he realized she was still alive. Carefully, he lifted her limp body from the floor and laid her on his bed, his movements gentle despite the turmoil raging within him. With practiced efficiency, Xander removed her clothing, his lips curling in disdain at the thought of outside garments touching his bed. As he stood there, looking down at her frail and pale form, a pang of unease twisted in his gut. She seemed so delicate, so vulnerable, as if she had never tasted the warmth of the sun or felt the embrace of the wind on her skin. A frown creased Xander's brow as he considered the implications of their bond. What had he done to deserve a mate like this? And why now, of all times, when his pack teetered on the brink of chaos and uncertainty? Shaking his head, Xander pushed aside his doubts and made his way to the small bar in the corner of his room. Pouring himself two double shots of whiskey, he downed them in quick succession, the fiery liquid burning a path down his throat and warming his chest with a familiar heat. With his nerves slightly steadied by the alcohol, Xander made his way to the bathroom, the steam from the shower already beginning to fog the mirror. Stripping off his clothes, he stepped into the hot spray, letting the water cascade over his tense muscles and wash away the lingering remnants of his anger and frustration. As the steam filled the room, Xander closed his eyes and let out a long, shuddering breath, allowing himself a moment of respite from the chaos of his thoughts. For now, at least, he could find solace in the simple act of washing away the troubles of the day, if only for a little while. But deep down, he knew that the peace would be short-lived. Trouble was brewing on the horizon, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down, not even for a moment. With a heavy heart, Xander resolved to face whatever challenges lay ahead, no matter the cost. As the hot water cascaded over him, Xander couldn't help but berate himself for his impulsive decision to request a new omega to be sent up to his room. He should have known better than to invite someone inexperienced into his playroom, someone who wouldn't understand the rules or the boundaries he had set. But in his moment of weakness, all he had wanted was a distraction, a way to temporarily escape the suffocating weight of his responsibilities as Alpha. He hadn't stopped to consider the consequences, the potential ramifications of his actions. And now, as he stood beneath the steaming spray of the shower, the guilt of his impulsiveness weighed heavy on his shoulders. He knew he should have been more cautious, more mindful of the risks involved in taking a new mate, especially at a time when his pack faced so many challenges. But what troubled him most was the realization that he would never be able to take pride in having an omega for a mate. In his heart, he had always hoped for a high-ranking female from another pack, someone who could help strengthen their alliances and bolster their numbers. The thought of being bound to an omega, someone so far beneath him in the hierarchy of the pack, filled him with a sense of shame and disappointment. It wasn't that he held any ill will toward omegas; it was simply that he had always envisioned a different path for himself, a path that now seemed to be slipping further and further out of reach. And as he lathered shampoo into his hair, the bitter taste of regret lingered on his tongue. If he had never sent for her, if he had never allowed himself to be swayed by his own desires, he might never have crossed paths with her at all. He might never have been bound to her by the unbreakable bond of mateship, a bond that now seemed to weigh him down like a chain around his neck. With a heavy sigh, Xander turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, the steam swirling around him like a shroud of uncertainty. He knew he couldn't change the past, couldn't undo the choices he had made. All he could do now was face the consequences head-on and hope that somehow, someway, they would find a way to overcome the obstacles that lay ahead. As Xander dried himself off with a thick towel, his mind churned with conflicting thoughts and emotions. The idea of rejecting his mate flickered in his mind like a tempting flame, offering a quick fix to his current predicament. But he knew all too well the consequences of such a decision. Rejection, or being rejected by one's mate, weakened the bond between wolf and human, leaving both parties vulnerable and adrift. And now, more than ever, was not the time for weakness. With trouble brewing on the horizon and the future of his pack hanging in the balance, Xander couldn't afford to risk weakening his wolf's resolve. He needed to be strong, both for himself and for his packmates who depended on him for guidance and protection. But as he lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, a different thought began to stir within him. What if he embraced his dominant nature instead? What if he allowed himself to explore the depths of his desires, to claim his mate as his submissive and revel in the power that came with it? The idea sent a shiver of anticipation down Xander's spine, igniting a fire within him that burned brighter than ever before. The thought of having his mate at his mercy, of molding her to his will and satisfying his every whim, stirred something primal and intoxicating deep within him. But even as he entertained the notion, a flicker of doubt wormed its way into his mind. Would his mate be willing to submit to him so completely? And even if she was, could he live with himself knowing that he had taken advantage of her vulnerability for his own pleasure? With a frustrated growl, Xander pushed aside his conflicting thoughts and rolled onto his side, his gaze fixed on the wall beside him. He knew he needed to tread carefully, to consider the consequences of his actions before he made any decisions that could irrevocably alter the course of his life and the lives of those around him. But for now, as he lay in the darkness of his room, the allure of dominance and submission whispered to him like a siren's song, tempting him to explore the depths of his desires and embrace the power that lay within his grasp. Whether he would succumb to its call remained to be seen.
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