
1514 Words

Bryton “Mommy!” There she is, my beautiful Roya, greeting us at her door. We drove back to Roya's place after Jaxson, and I sorted Roya's surprise and an extra one that Jaxson wanted to get his mother. The second Jaxson saw her standing at the door, he started squealing and bouncing in his car seat. I unbuckle him and set him on his feet outside the car, but he takes off running before I've even really let go of him. I chuckle as I watch Roya crouch down and catch Jaxson in her arms. Her eyes close as she breathes him in, as if she thought he'd never return. Jesus, we've only been gone three hours. I guess I underestimated the bond between mother and son. “Did you have fun with Daddy?” “Yes,” Jaxson nods and mimes a zipper across his lips with his fingers, causing Roya to narrow her ey

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