Chapter 4

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February 1st The morning suns rays were beaming down on my face, warming me as I woke up. I slowly got up and went into my bathroom to shower and complete my morning routine. I came out of my bathroom to see Isaac standing in my room. “Isaac?” I asked, shocked. I stand there confused and embarrassed. Confused because I have no clue as to why he would be here and embarrassed because I’m just standing here in my towel and nothing else. “Clementine,” Isaac says as he turns to face me. “I apologise for barging in.” He says as a smirk creeps onto his defined face. “That’s alright,” I reply shyly. “Is there something I can help you with? Is everything alright?” I ask as I move to my closet. “Mother asked me to make sure you were awake, my father will be here in a few minutes, and she wanted you to meet him,” Isaac answers loudly as I start to look for something to wear. “That’s fine. Quick question.” I shout. “What’s up?” He asks from just outside my closet. “Does this school have a dress code?” I ask because most private schools do. “Oh, yes it does. I’ll go and ask mother about yours.” He says before running out. I dry my body and put on a set of white lace bra and g-string. Still waiting for Isaac or Kat with my uniform, I decided to do my hair. I do my lipstick just as Kat enters my room. “Here’s your uniform, sweetie. I’m sorry I completely forgot yesterday.” She says as she hands me my uniform, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “What have you done to it?” I ask in a teasing tone. “I told you I was gonna help you to be a distraction to my sons this year, Clementine.” She winks at me. I shake my head smiling, and walk into my closet with the uniform to get dressed. I look at my reflection in the mirror, and I notice what she’s done. The skirt is slightly shorter than it should be. The blouse is a little tight around the chest area, and the uniform in general accents all my curves perfectly. Maybe a little too perfect. I pull on the uniforms' black coat and walk into my room, where Kat is still waiting. Her eyes go wide as she sees me. I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing, but it’s making me a little nervous. “Is it ok?” I ask shyly. “You look beautiful. This should distract them for sure.” Kat smiles warmly. “Here, put these on. The school allows any black shoe that covers your toes. And don’t worry about the uniform. I got permission from the headmaster to alter it.” Kat reassures me. ‘It’s like she read my mind. I was worried that I’d get in trouble for altering the uniform.’ I think as I slip on the shoes Kat gave me. A pair of rounded black stilettos. They were surprisingly comfortable. I quickly grabbed the bag I prepared yesterday. Inside was, 6 thin books to write in. Pens and pencils depending on which I want to write with. An eraser in case I write in pencil—a ruler, calculator and any other stationery I might need. “Ready? Got your wallet and phone?” Kat asks from my door. “Oh!” I exclaim as I remember my phones. I grab my wallet and both phones and slip them into my bag. I check everything to make sure I’m not missing something, and that’s when I realise I’m not wearing my mother's ring. Opening my bedside drawer, I pick up the ring my mother gave me. It’s a lapis lazuli gem, surrounded by diamonds on a white gold band. It’s beautiful. “Now I’m ready.” I smile as I slip the ring on my middle finger on the right hand. “Let’s go. My husband should be here by now.” Kat smiles brightly. We walk downstairs to the front door just as the doorbell rings. Kat takes a breath and opens the door. Immediately, a man just as young as Kat picks her up, spinning her around as she giggles and buries her face in his neck. “I missed you, my sweet.” His deep voice sounds. “I missed you more, my love.” She replies with a kiss on his cheek. They both turn to me and smile. “This is Clementine Phoenix,” Kat says, smiling. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Phoenix. My name is Andrew Mateo.” He says kindly, holding his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand as I hear running, like a stampede, coming from the hall. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr Mateo,” I say politely as the boys rush in. “Father!” “My sons! How are you all?” Mr Mateo asks, giving each son a warm hug. Watching their interaction, I’m reminded of my parents, mostly my father. Every time he entered a room I was in, he would always give me a hug and a kiss on the head. Now I would never feel his warm embrace again. I feel Dante’s presence beside me and lookup. “Everything ok?” He asks with a serious expression. “Yes, I’m fine. I was just lost in thought.” I smile at him warmly. He gives me a considering look and then nods. The time flew by. Mr Mateo arrived at 7 am. It was now 8:30 am, and we were getting into cars to drive to school. I was with Dante in his car. The twins were in their own car together. Isaac and Dom were in Isaac’s car, and Lorenzo was with Benji in his car. Once everyone was in their cars, we all followed Isaac as he drove to school. Turns out the school is relatively close to the house, and we arrived with 15 minutes spare, so Dante offered to show me around.   Dante grabbed my hand and dragged me around the school, introducing me to a few people and even some teachers. The teachers here seemed quite lovely. I think I’m gonna like it here. “Morning assembly will begin in 5 minutes. Please make your way to the auditorium.” A gentle female voice sounds over the PA system. I look up at Dante, and he smiles at me before leading me to the auditorium, still holding my hand. “Dante! I missed you, baby! Where have you been?” A blonde girl says as she bounces up to Dante, who looks at her in disgust. “Nina.” He says blankly as he pushes her away. “Who are you?” She spits at me. I roll my eyes at her and sigh. “None of your business, bimbo.” Dante laughs, and we start walking again. “Hey!” She shouts and runs in front of us again, causing us both to sigh. “What do you want, Nina?” Dante asks, frustrated. “I want you, Dante. And I don’t care if I have to kill this little wench to get you.” Nina says smugly as she eyes me up and down. I roll my eyes again. “Have you ever thought that maybe, Dante doesn’t want you?” I ask her. “That’s impossible. Everyone wants me.” She says arrogantly. “Just because you think people want you and many get you doesn’t mean you are worth anything. More rocks are picked up than diamonds.” I tell her with a straight face. As she stands there frozen in shock and rage, Dante and I continue to the auditorium. What a lovely welcome to a new school.
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