The Unexpected Proposal

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Chapter 7 The Unexpected Proposal (Audrina’s POV) Accius strolled into my apartment with an ease that seemed so natural, it was almost unsettling. He walked past me, taking in the details of my living room as if he belonged here. There was an energy about him that made it hard to look away—a confidence mixed with mystery that made me simultaneously nervous and intrigued. I stayed by the door, arms crossed, trying to keep my composure. "You’ve got five minutes," I reminded him, though the timer had long since started ticking in my head. He chuckled, that low, smooth sound that somehow made me feel both on edge and drawn to him at the same time. "Five minutes, huh? Let’s see if I can make this quick." I raised an eyebrow, refusing to let him get under my skin. "What do you want, Accius? You didn’t come all the way here just to chat." He turned to face me, his eyes locking onto mine. "I want to take you out on a date." He said it simply, without pretense or hesitation, as if asking me for a casual cup of coffee. I blinked, not entirely sure I’d heard him correctly. "A date?" "Yes. Dinner. A nice restaurant, just the two of us." He smiled, but there was something in his eyes that suggested there was more to it than just dinner. "I think you’ll find the conversation interesting. But I’d like to go on the date first." My heart skipped a beat. Everything about this man screamed caution—his confidence, the way he always seemed to know more than he let on, his mysterious appearance at my door. And yet, beneath the warning bells ringing in my head, there was something else. A pull I couldn’t quite explain. "You still haven’t told me why you’re so interested in me," I said, hoping to buy myself some time to think. "I don’t even know anything about you." Accius shrugged, his gaze never wavering. "There’s plenty of time for that. Consider this a start." I wanted to say no. I wanted to tell him to leave and stop invading my carefully constructed life. But the words wouldn’t come. Instead, I found myself wondering what could be so important that he wanted to go on a date before discussing it. My curiosity was piqued, and maybe, just maybe, that curiosity outweighed my caution. After a long moment, I sighed. "Fine. We’ll go on a date. But only because I’m curious about what you have to say." His smile widened, his eyes lighting up with something that looked suspiciously like triumph. "Good. How about in a few days? I’ll send you the details." I nodded, feeling a little shaky but determined to keep my cool. "Sure." Accius stepped forward, closing the distance between us, and for a second, I thought he might say something else. But instead, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a sleek, black folder. He handed it to me, his fingers brushing mine for a brief moment, sending an unexpected shiver down my spine. "You might be interested in this," he said, his voice softer now. "It’s a project that came across my desk, and I thought of you." I frowned, taking the folder from him. "A project?" He nodded, taking a step back toward the door. "Take a look. I think you’ll find it intriguing. We can talk more on our date." And just like that, before I could ask any more questions, he was gone, leaving me standing there with the folder in hand, my mind spinning. I walked back to the couch, staring down at the folder like it might hold some kind of secret code. Accius had thrown me off balance again, and I wasn’t sure what to make of it. But as curiosity got the better of me, I opened the folder and began to read. The first page caught my attention immediately. It was a bid proposal for a special project—an ambitious architectural development in the heart of Paris. The project was huge, potentially career-defining for any firm that landed it. My breath caught in my throat as I scanned the details. It was exactly the kind of opportunity my firm needed. The kind of opportunity that could turn our cash flow problem around and solidify our place in the industry. I flipped through the pages, excitement building as I read further. The project involved designing a luxury complex, combining residential and commercial spaces in one of the city’s most sought-after districts. The investors were looking for something innovative, cutting-edge. Exactly the kind of work I loved. I sank deeper into the couch, scanning every word, my mind already racing with ideas. I knew immediately that this was a chance I couldn’t pass up. This project could change everything for me and Airelle, and for the firm. It was exactly the kind of high-profile job that could put us on the map and attract bigger clients. I stayed up for hours, working through the night, sketching ideas and drafting notes for a proposal. My mind was buzzing, full of possibilities, and I couldn’t stop the flow of creativity once it had started. By the time the first rays of sunlight started creeping into my apartment, I had filled pages with concepts, ideas, and outlines. I leaned back, exhausted but exhilarated. I had something. I could feel it. And if I could refine these ideas and pull together a solid proposal, I might actually have a shot at winning this bid. As I finally closed my laptop, my thoughts drifted back to Accius. Why had he given me this? And more importantly, how had he known about the project in the first place? There was still so much about him I didn’t understand. He had come into my life so suddenly, and yet, he seemed to know exactly what I needed—professionally, at least. I was grateful, though. This project could be a game-changer, and I owed that to him. The next time I saw Accius, I’d have to thank him. And then remember that in just a few days, I would be going on a date with the man who had dropped this opportunity in my lap. It was a lot to process, and as I lay back on the couch, the adrenaline slowly fading, I felt the weight of the night catch up to me. My thoughts blurred, slipping between excitement for the project and uncertainty about Accius’s true intentions. But one thing was clear—I needed this. I needed to win this bid and prove, not just to my father or anyone else, but to myself, that I could do this. That I was capable of standing on my own and building something real, something lasting. And if Accius was part of that equation, then I’d just have to figure out how to navigate that too. With those thoughts still swirling in my mind, I drifted off to sleep, the black folder resting on the coffee table, a quiet reminder of what was to come.
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