
1944 Words
Marty:     It kills me to be standing in front of the scene before me. This is how Amy and Nathan found me. Another kid had been killed. He had been torn to shreds. A new message was spread over the wall of the villa I had set up for the rogues who remained unaligned. ROGUE FUCKER. These have been happening since I released Dylan. Since he became the alpha of Lunar Cove.      There had been a few alphas that had disagreed with me. They don't understand what it is we all stood for as the Alpha Alliance. If this continues, soon we'll all be at each other's throats again. Waging unnecessary wars against one another. I had worked so hard to build the alliance. My hard work is being challenged by simple-minded idiots. There is no way I'm only getting four years of peace after everything that's happened.     "Rogue fucker?" Amy came over to me wrapping her arms around me. I hadn't seen them in a couple of weeks. The launch of my new formal attire line had required my attention in London. "Hell of a welcome home banner,"      "Did one of you do a rogue while I was away on business?" I asked. They both growled at me. "Can you guys get someone to clean this up?"     "Did you go through these guts to get the wallet?" Nathan asked when he saw what I was holding.     "Yeah, I also got a few other things from his jacket," I said pointing at the parts that have denim on them from the rogue's jacket.     "Sometimes you make me sick," Nathan shook his head making a disgusted face.      "Hey look he had a gold ring," Amy smiled picking up a finger.     "No! You two are sick. I'm going home," he shouted and began to walk away.     "You have to stay here with, Amy, dumb ass. I have a few calls to make," I laughed pushing him back towards the body. He almost fell over and began to dry heave.     "You are such a girl sometimes, babe," Amy teased rubbing circles on his back.      I was greeted the way I love to be greeted. As soon as I stepped into the packhouse hugs rained in from everywhere. The happiness that bubbled up inside of me was enough to push me forward with all my strength. Since Dylan completed his mating to Minerva the emptiness washed away and my wolf regained her strength and then some. She's just really lonely knowing we wouldn't get what everyone else has. We both feel it on the days the pack gathers to celebrate as a family.     "Hey, alpha," I looked up to see Cameron walking out of his room. "Thought you weren't coming home until tomorrow?"     "Hey, Cam. Yeah, I hired the CEO we talked about. How's it going here? I heard the big news," his face flushed as Mrs. Montgomery came out from his room. I burst out laughing. After all the crap he gave Nate and Amy.     "Alpha," she greeted me with a hug.      "Shut up, Marty. I'm still your elder," he sighed when we excused ourselves to my study.     "So, I can laugh, make fun, and tickle you all I want because I am the alpha," he growled when I lifted my hands and curled my fingers in his direction. I've never actually done it. It's always an empty threat. Amy, on the other hand, has had her way a few times. "We have work to do here. There's been another incident. I have to call Dylan and that new alpha,"      "Why Dylan?" he asked. I pulled out the pictures that I found in the wallet. "Oh, s**t. You don't think this is the guy he's been looking for?"     "I hope not. I really hope this guy just robbed him or something," I sighed. "The face is still intact the body was ripped apart. Can you have Sally stitch him back into one piece as neatly as she can? Just in case it is him? I don't want either of them to see their baby brother like that,"     "Yes, ma'am. Do you have any idea who might be doing this?"     "It could be Rodrick. It could Bart. There were so many alphas against giving Dylan a second chance. We won by the majority but some of them weren't happy about it,"     "We knew something like this would happen. I'm just really glad the kid is living up to your expectations,"     "Cam, he was meant to be my mate. The moon goddess doesn't get her matches wrong . She'd never set them up for failure. I believed in him he just needed the push you know. What makes me f*****g mad is that they're picking kids up and killing them. The boy out there couldn't have been older than nineteen,"     "Yeah, this isn't the way to deal with things. Especially, not after two years. I'll get Sally on this,"     "Alright, I'll call Dylan first and set up and appointment for tomorrow do you think Sally can get done by then?"     "She'll have it done in a few hours, kid," he smiled knocking on my desk before he walked out. I picked up the phone praying that Minerva picked up.     "Dylan," f**k.     "Alpha i***t," I greeted him. He chuckled.     "Alpha Martak it's been a while,"     "Well, I'm not sure I have good news for you Dylan. Remember our meeting at the alliance council?"     "Yeah,"     "Well, the situation has gotten worse. I found a body this morning. There's a wallet. It has no ID but it has a couple of pictures. One of them is Devon with a few others. You two are in the other one with a little boy. This might be your baby brother, Dylan. Can you come in and maybe identify the body so you can give him a proper burial? Maybe tell me it isn't him so we can continue looking for him?" the line was quiet for a few seconds before he cleared his throat.     "Devon and I will be there in the morning,"     "Okay. It gives my girl time,"     "Time for what?"     "To put the body back together," I let out. He didn't say anything for a bit. I contemplated hanging up.     "You're gay?" he finally asked.     "What? No. Why would you ask that?" I asked thrown off.     "You said your girl," a A laugh escaped my mouth. I would have died from embarrassment had he been right in front of me.      "That, that's not what I meant. My girl as in my pack member that specializes in putting people back together," I clarified. He laughed at me making the heat in my cheek worse.     "I'll see you tomorrow, Princess," he said and hung up.     "How did it go?" Cameron asked walking in with a plate of food. I sighed and rubbed my face.     "Cam, why am I such f*****g spaz?" I asked clearing the paper on my desk so her can place the plate in front of me. He laughed pushing it across my desk towards me.     "Believe it or not you get that from your father," we both laughed as he set the food down in front of me. "Eat something you're looking a little thin,"     "Okay," I said looking at the spaghetti as he sat behind Nathan's desk and started up the computer.      "Who are you calling now?"     "What's that new alpha's name?"     "His name is Wayne Steele," I laughed with the way he said his name. Someone really named their son Wayne.     "Steele," the voice came from the other end of the line I couldn't help the laugh that was already coming out of my mouth. I have no real social skills.     "I'm sorry," I giggled, getting my head together. "This is Alpha Martak Novak from Moon Rock,"     "Well, it is an honor to hear from the alpha that united the alliance," he greeted amused.     "Oh, thank you. Erm- I'm sure you're wondering why it is I am calling," why am I like this? He chuckled. The sound made me shiver. Is he making fun of me?     "Are you having rogue problems?" he asked.     "Not exactly. There is a rogue problem but as you know rogues aren't exactly unfamiliar with my pack grounds,"     "That's right you made peace with all wolves so as long as they don't f**k with you," he chastised. I smiled to myself feeling my face heat up again. I forget guys don't think before speaking to a lady.     "Your lands are directly in front of the northern section of my territory and a few rogues have been murdered in the passerby villas on those grounds. Now, before you think I'm pointing a finger. Know that I most definitely am not pointing anything not even an elbow," he laughed. "I was just wondering if maybe you have some similar problems and maybe we can team up to solve our predicament," Cam looked up at me impressed and gave me a thumbs up.     "I actually do have a few disturbances up there. How about I get some surveillance files and reports and we can compare notes?"      "Thank you very much, dude. When would you be available?" I did not just call this man a dude.     "I actually have an open schedule tomorrow. I can come by in the morning and we can make a day out of it. It will be the only day I have available for a few weeks,"      "s**t," I whispered to myself.     "Are you available?"     "Well, I have a meeting with alpha Dylan about the body that came up. I think it's one of his and he'll be here in the morning,"     "Alpha Dylan the ex-rogue alpha," I bit my lip knowing that he already knows the story. "You know I have no idea why you didn't just kill him, Martak. He didn't deserve what you did for him. Mate or not,"     "Well, if you can't see outside of what he did and what I did then there's no use in boasting an opinion," Cam cleared his throat getting my attention. He shook his head telling me to change my tone. "That was rude. I-I'm sorry. Have you ever lost someone?"     "Yes I have. My family and I was rejected by my mate who is now mated to my older brother," that just makes me feel worse for telling him to buzz out of my business.      "Did it hurt?" I asked.     "Yes,"      "If I can spare anyone else from the pain I felt, then I will. Even if it was the man that caused me that much pain because no one should lose anything over what has already been lost,"     "Alright, fair enough," he chuckled. "How about I join the two of you. I promise to be on my best behavior. I need to know how bad this rogue situation is. We wouldn't want a war on our hands,"     "Our hands?"     "Yeah, I signed your alliance and I will stand by that,"      "Thank you that actually means a lot to me,"     "Hard work should be acknowledged. Especially with how significant this is. I am very flattered that you called and asked for my help and called me dude," I laughed. I had hoped he hadn't caught it.     "Well, dude you're welcome. I guess and thank you again,"     "I am excited to meet you in the morning," he admitted.     "Same here. See you then," I hung up and looked up at a smirking Cameron. "I think I just flirted,"      "We really need to work on your social skills if you think that was flirting, sweetheart. Eat your spaghetti," Cam smirked pointing his pen at me.
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