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Marty:     "Nathan is really excited to see you," Cameron announced after a few minutes of absolute silence.      "Who is Nathan, Marty?" Amy asked nudging me with her elbow. I smiled at her eagerness.     "Nathan is Cameron's son. He's like my little brother we grew up together. Me leaving was hard on both of our... both of us," Cameron glared at me. I kind of want to just let it slip in all honesty.     "Are you guys like a thing?" she asked. I laughed.     "No, and it will never happen. Remember when I told we all have a special someone?" she nodded. "Nathan isn't my special someone, dude. Some lucky girl out there is going to make him really happy," I always mock her favorite word, dude.     "Dude," she laughed with a cheesy smile on her face.     "What?" I asked getting serious.     "You are a helpless romantic," she beamed. Cameron started laughing and I punched him in the arm playfully.     "What? She isn't wrong," he laughed rubbing his arm.     "Both of you shut up," the idea of a mate makes me sick now not that either of them know that.     "So, anyway. Where are we going?" she asked sitting back. Maybe I should tell her to put her seatbelt on.      "We are going to the housing grounds of the people that work for my parent's company," I said using the cover-up Margot had come up with.     "Nice," Cam whispered.     "Crazy how you guys have a housing ground. I've never heard of something like that but it makes sense you know. Like a little community that no one can say s**t too. Where the laws of the government don't apply. It's like being the king,"  I smiled and turned to look at her. "Exactly and the king has to take care of his people,"     "That's what's up, dude. Do you guys also have a special school and stuff?"     "Yeah, the high school here is not only about academics but it teaches the pu... the students how to be productive in the community and gives them an idea that goes towards what they want to do as a career and if they want to continue to live in the community or move out,"     "Nice, I wish they did stuff like that where we live. Hey, can I ask you a question?" she sprawled out in the back seat leaning her head on the center glove compartment so she could see me. Cam smiled knowing she that she gets under my skin.      "Go for it," I sighed.     "At first, I didn't want you to come to my house and I really wanted you to leave all of last week," I laughed. I think compelling her to stop being an asshole was the best thing I could have done to her.     "I know,"     "My question is why didn't you just stay here by yourself or with Cam and his son?"     "I wanted to. Your mom didn't allow it though and since I am still underaged she kind of has to be in charge of everything. She made it clear that she would allow me to work here so as long as I was under her care,"     "So you're like the queen now?"     "Not yet. I have to be eighteen and finish my training and until then I have to live with you guys,"     "I don't want you to leave anymore," I saw Cameron's shoulders slump forward a little. He knows she's starting to accept me as her alpha already. That and he likes that she gets to me the way she does.     "You'll be able to come visit me and hang out whenever and if you like you can come stay here when you're older,"      "I have to like it here first," she laughed sitting up as we pulled into the driveway.     "This is where I live," I let her know and she almost jumped onto my lap. We stopped in front of the house my parents had built for my brother and his mate. She allowed us to use it as the new packhouse. She never really stayed there by herself. Still doesn't.     "I like it here. Can we stay now?" she squeaked. Cameron laughed.     "I like her. She reminds me of a younger you,"  Nathan opened the doors to the house and began to run our way.     "Oh, my s**t. I like it here a lot," Amy whispered making me smile. She doesn't know we can hear her.     Nathan stopped right before he reached for my door. Amy is looking right at him. I looked back at the shocked expression on his face. He pulled the door open and she was pulled out over my body. Her body slid over mine. She looked at me eyes wide before she disappeared outside. Nathan pushed her against the car and pressed his entire body up against hers. She is just dangling there mid-air with the funniest expression on her face. She's scared, probably turned on for the first time in her life. She has to be a little confused.     "Nate you have to put her down she doesn't know," I tried to hide my laugh putting my hand on his arm. He growled at me. I growled back, warning him. He slowly let her down putting some distance between the two of them. I pulled her towards me protectively.     "It growls," she whispered to me, eyes wide. "I think I like that,"     "Really?" I asked looking down at her. She nodded her head like a little kid. Nathan growled again. She shivered leaning into me a little more.     "Still think I should have let her stay home?" I asked Cameron. He just smiled.     "I was wrong," he admitted softly.     "What?" Nate and I asked at the same time.     "Say it again," I demanded. His face flushed with anger.     "I was wrong," he whispered.     "Louder," I laughed excitedly.     "I was wrong to tell you she couldn't come, okay?" he growled before walking away. Nate and I looked at each other proudly. We had finally made him admit he's wrong for once.     "I take it that doesn't happen a lot," Amy stated. Nate froze at the sound of her voice.     "Never," I smiled looking between them. "He always gives us s**t about us doing the wrong thing because of our lack of judgment, and immaturity, irresponsibility, and stupidity. We finally got him to say he was wrong so thank you for being an ass hole and coming along,"      "You're welcome," she beamed with a smile as she smoothed over her vest and fixed her jacket.     "What the f**k, there's two of you?" I looked up towards the door to see Nathan's sister coming over.      "Go away Annie no one likes you," Nate growled pulling Amy into him. She looked up at him with a little fear and excitement. "Hi,"     "Hi," she squeaked back.     "You found you..." I covered Annie's mouth before she could continue. Not another word she doesn't know yet. I linked to her mind through our telekinetic pack link. She nodded and stepped away from them.     The way he looks at her is the way every mate wants to be looked at by their other half. My wolf retreated a little more within me. The anger she makes me feel is something I'm going to have to get used to. It's the one thing that I have no control over. She's entitled to her emotions.     "Nate, show her around. Please, be very careful with her. My aunt will kill us all if anything happens to her,"     "I'll protect her with my life," he promised, looking down at her.     "Are all of you hopeless romantics?" Amy asked looking at me.     "Yes, every single one of us," I nodded.      She giggled, shaking her head. She followed him when he motioned her the other direction. He took her hand with the happiest smile I have ever seen on him. She instantly started to bombard him with questions about what it's like to live in a gated community.      "She looks like your twin," Annie whispered looking after them. No one is to shift. We have a human visitor. I sent out shortly after I was bombarded by greetings.     "Cameron, how many buildings are still under construction?" I asked as soon as I got to my brother's study.     "Most of them. Including the old packhouse. We had to take it down and rebuild it. The fire damage was too much. Not to mention the smell,"     "We aren't living there anymore. I want it to be built as a rogue prison," he sighed with relief.     "As you wish alpha," he smiled.     "I want it isolated. I'd like for two guard towers to go up on each side of it. Silver bared automatic fence around the whole thing. Start recruiting for that. How are our wounded?" I asked looking over the paperwork from the construction sights. I had ordered them to spread housing out a little more for better formations.     "Most have fully recovered. Those who are left are almost there," Annie answered.      "Good. Cameron, how are we doing on rotation?"     "Morning and night shift is solid we have trouble with midday we don't have enough wolves for that,"     "We need an increase in guards," I sat back trying to think of something while I signed the paperwork and checks to get material in and payment for the workers. "Spring break is coming up,"      "What does that have to do with the problem? Cameron asked leaning against his desk across from my own.     "Annie, I want you and your squad to plan a formal ball for all of the un-mated males and females in the surrounding packs," her eyes lit up.     "Are you serious?" she asked. I nodded.     "That might work," Cameron smiled. I hope it does. I can't think of anything else right now. 
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