LXXXIX – The Rogue’s smell

1616 Words

Amira's heart pounded in her chest as she caught a whiff of the familiar, unsettling scent wafting in from outside her window. It was a scent she had hoped never to encounter again – the scent of the rogue werewolf who had kidnapped her. Fear surged through her veins, sending a shiver down her spine as she realized the danger lurking just beyond the safety of her room. Without hesitation, Amira sprang into action, her movements quick and decisive. She darted across the room to her bedside table, her fingers fumbling with her phone as she hastily composed a text message to her parents in the adjacent room. "Mom, Dad," she typed frantically, her hands trembling slightly with adrenaline. "Wake up. I smell the rogue werewolf outside. Please help." As she hit send, a wave of relief washed

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