XCIII – Stay Alive

1482 Words

Amira's heart shattered as she watched her mother's grief morph into fury, her cries of anguish giving way to angry threats. "I'll kill you!" Alma screamed at Lester, her voice laced with raw emotion as her eyes blazed with an intense green glow. The transformation was swift, Alma's human form melting away to reveal the powerful wolf beneath. Terror gripped Amira's heart as she pleaded with her mother, her voice trembling with fear. "No, Mom, please!" she cried out, her words filled with desperation. "You can't fight them alone. We need to stay alive." But Alma's rage consumed her, driving her forward with a primal instinct to protect her family at any cost. Ignoring Amira's protests, she launched herself at Lester, her claws bared and teeth bared in a snarl of defiance. Lester's cruel

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