LXVII - The further, the better

1052 Words

Zoro's voice cut through the chaos, sharp and urgent as he rallied the university guards to action. "We need to find Crystal and Amira," he instructed, his tone brimming with urgency. "Hurry, search every corner of the campus. We can't afford to waste any time." Zake echoed Zoro's sentiments, his voice tinged with worry. "We need to act fast," he urged, his eyes scanning the bustling campus for any sign of their missing friends. "Crystal and Amira could be in danger, and every second counts." As the university guards sprang into action, mobilizing their forces to comb through every inch of the sprawling campus, a palpable sense of anxiety hung in the air. The normally bustling corridors were now filled with hushed whispers and worried glances, as students and faculty alike grappled with

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